
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Higher Education Publications.

2023 Higher Education Providers Finance Tables


Financial information for the 2023 year including financial performance, financial position and cash flows for higher education providers derived from institutions financial statements.

Reporting of HELP Receivable at 30 June 2022


As part of the financial statement process, the Australian Government Actuary (AGA) provides the HELP Receivable Report containing the estimate of the fair value of the HELP and VET Student Loans (VSL) receivables and the amount of debt not expected to be repaid (DNER).

Final 2022 HELP receivable advice - redacted.pdf

Reporting of HELP Receivable at 30 June 2023


As part of the financial statement process, the Australian Government Actuary (AGA) provides the HELP Receivable Report containing the estimate of the fair value of the HELP and VET Student Loans (VSL) receivables and the amount of debt not expected to be repaid (DNER).

Final 2023 HELP receivable advice - redacted.pdf

Finance 2021: Financial Reports of Higher Education Providers


Financial information for the 2021 year including financial performance, financial position and cash flows for higher education providers derived from institutions financial statements.

2021 University Finance Summary Information.pdf

2022 Transparency in Higher Education expenditure


The ‘Transparency in Higher Education Expenditure’ report was conducted by Deloitte Access Economics to determine the cost of teaching and scholarship at Australian Universities.

Transparency in higher education expenditure 2022 - Final Report.pdf

National Microcredentials Framework


The Department of Education has undertaken extensive consultation with the wider tertiary sector to develop the National Microcredentials Framework. The framework’s goal is to provide greater clarity and understanding within the tertiary education sector and amongst learners as to the value and recognition of microcredentials.

The framework should also encourage transparency, consistency and objectivity in the sector around credit recognition arrangements and the portability of microcredentials.

2019 Transparency in Higher Education expenditure


The ‘Transparency in Higher Education Expenditure’ report was conducted by Deloitte Access Economics to determine the cost of teaching and scholarship at Australian Universities.


Discussion Paper - Redistribution pool of medical places (including the Assessment Framework)


This discussion paper invites stakeholder comments on options for managing the redistribution pool of medical Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) and the initial redistribution process for 2021. This paper also includes the new Assessment Framework and guiding principles that will be used to evaluate all proposals for new medical schools and/or medical CSPs going forward.

2018 Transparency in Higher Education expenditure


The ‘Transparency in Higher Education Expenditure’ report was conducted by Deloitte Access Economics to determine the cost of teaching and scholarship at Australian Universities.


Driving innovation, fairness and excellence in Australian education 2016


The Government has released a paper, Driving Innovation, Fairness and Excellence in Australian Higher Education, which sets out options for reform that support the Government’s vision of a stronger, more sustainable system of higher education. The Government is seeking feedback on the individual elements of a new higher education reform package to be considered later in 2016.
