
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Higher Education Statistics.

Perturbed Award Course Completions Pivot Table 2023


Allows for customised higher education student enrolment tables, with time series data from 2018.

To avoid the risk of disseminating identifiable data, a disclosure control technique called input perturbation has been applied to the data within the Pivot Table, whereby small random adjustments are made to cell counts. For more details see the 'Explanatory Notes' within the pivot table.  

Aggregates within the Pivot Tables may not match other tables. Where unperturbed figures are required, users should consult the Higher Education Statistics published on the department’s website.

Perturbed Student Enrolments Pivot Table 2023


Allows for customised higher education student enrolment tables, with time series data from 2018.

To avoid the risk of disseminating identifiable data, a disclosure control technique called input perturbation has been applied to the data within the Pivot Table, whereby small random adjustments are made to cell counts. For more details see the 'Explanatory Notes' within the pivot table.  

Aggregates within the Pivot Tables may not match other tables. Where unperturbed figures are required, users should consult the Higher Education Statistics published on the department’s website.

Perturbed Student Load Pivot Table 2023


Allows for customised higher education student enrolment tables, with time series data from 2018.

To avoid the risk of disseminating identifiable data, a disclosure control technique called input perturbation has been applied to the data within the Pivot Table, whereby small random adjustments are made to cell counts. For more details see the 'Explanatory Notes' within the pivot table.  

Aggregates within the Pivot Tables may not match other tables. Where unperturbed figures are required, users should consult the Higher Education Statistics published on the department’s website.

2023 Section 1 - Commencing students


Higher education commencing student enrolment tables for the 2023 full year. Commencing students are persons who have enrolled for the first time in a particular course at a particular higher education institution during the reference period.

2023 Section 10 - Open Universities Australia


Higher education student enrolment and EFTSL (Equivalent Full-time Student Load) tables for the 2023 full year offered through Open Universities Australia (OUA). Units of study from a higher education course offered by OUA can be counted as credit towards a higher education institution degree.

2023 Section 11 - Equity groups


Higher education equity groups tables for the 2023 full year. Equity groups include students that: 

  • are from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB); 
  • have a disability; 
  • are women in non-traditional areas; 
  • identify as First Nations; 
  • are from low SES (socioeconomic status) locations; and 
  • are from regional and remote locations.

2023 Section 12 - Academic organisational units


Higher education academic organisational unit tables for the 2023 full year. An academic organisational unit group provides a means for standardising academic organisational units across institutions. Academic organisational units are assigned to an academic organisational unit group on the basis of disciplines for which each academic organisational unit has a teaching and/or research responsibility.

2023 Section 13 - Private Universities (Table C) and Non-University Higher Education Institutions


Private University (Table C) and Non-University Higher Education Institution tables for the 2023 full year. Tables include data on student enrolments, student EFTSL (Equivalent Full-time Student Load), success rates and completions.

2023 Section 14 - Award course completions


Higher education award course completion tables for the 2023 full year. Award course completions are conferred after the successful completion of all the academic requirements of a course which includes any required attendance, assignments, examinations, assessments, dissertations, practical experience and work experience in industry.

2023 Section 17 - Completion Rates


Completion rates reports present the results of tracking commencing higher education student outcomes over time. That is, after nominated periods, how many commencing students have completed their studies, how many are still studying, and how many have not completed an award course. Cohort analysis publications also present outcomes of students by selected characteristics.

2023 Section 2 - All students


Higher education all student enrolment tables for the 2023 full year. All students include commencing and continuing students.

2023 Section 3 - Commencing student load


Higher education commencing student EFTSL (Equivalent Full-time Student Load) tables for the 2023 full year. Commencing students are persons who have enrolled for the first time in a particular course at a particular higher education institution during the reference period.