
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).

Reducing HESA Administration - July 2013

This purpose of this information paper is to describe the planned changes to the administration of publishing unit of study information, including schedules of tuition fees, student contribution amounts, census dates and EFTSL, and submitting this information to the department.

Financial Viability Instructions: Applicants and Providers of FEE-HELP


The Financial Viability Instructions (FVI) inform applicants and approved providers of the financial information that is required, the form in which it must be prepared and how financial viability will be assessed.

Senior Authorised Officers’ Statutory Declaration


The Senior Authorised Officers' Statutory Declaration is an overarching declaration to be signed by two Directors, or the Director and Secretary, of the body corporate applying to become a higher education provider (HEP).

Startup Year Consultations

The Australian Government conducted a Startup Year consultation process calling on higher education providers, industry, entrepreneurs, investors and students to share their views and advice on how the program should work.