
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with Guidelines to counter foreign interference in the Australian university sector.

Pulse Check on the implementation of the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector


The Pulse Check on the implementation of the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector (Pulse Check) highlights the extensive work universities have undertaken to actively engage and implement the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector

The Pulse Check was informed through consultation with universities, sector representatives and Government agencies, including an Annual Pulse Survey and Countering Foreign Interference Workshop Series. For a summary of the consultation, please see the Pulse Check on the implementation of the Guidelines Placemat.

Pulse Check on the implementation of the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector.pdf

Countering Foreign Interference Case Studies


In 2024, the department invited all 42 Australian universities to participate in an Annual Pulse Survey and Countering Foreign Interference Workshop Series. Respondents and attendees welcomed further guidance from Government on how to identify and respond to incidents of foreign interference. 

The Countering Foreign Interference Case Studies seek to support the university sector to appropriately respond to potential and identified risks of foreign interference. They encourage universities to adopt a whole-of-organisation approach and provide escalating consideration points to guide risk mitigation and response at various stages within each case study.

Consultation on implementation of the Guidelines Placemat


The Placemat is a one-page summary of the consultation process and key findings from the Report on implementation of the Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector. It highlights the successes in universities’ implementation to date while identifying opportunities for further work to support implementation.

Consultation on implementation of the Guidelines Placemat.pdf

Foreign Interference Impacts on Campus Culture Guidance Note


In 2023, the University Foreign Interference Taskforce Training Working Group hosted workshops led by the Department of Home Affairs. Attendees discussed how to raise awareness of the impact that foreign interference has on campus culture; and report concerning behaviour. This included best practice in student complaint management, and university reporting and response. 

The Department of Education has collaborated with Home Affairs to develop the Guidance Note which highlights the key takeaways from the workshops. The Guidance Note provides a framework outlining key actions, behaviours or responses universities could consider in order to combat foreign interference on campus. The Guidance Note is intended to support and build on existing work of universities and government to mitigate foreign interference threats.

Foreign Interference Impacts on Campus Culture Guidance Note.pdf

National Security Architecture Placemat


The National Security Architecture Placemat was developed by the Department of Education in consultation with Australian Government agencies. The Placemat assists universities in understanding the national security obligations that may apply to them, and appropriate contact points and reporting mechanisms for concerns.

Australian National Security Architecture placemat.pdf

Transnational Education Guidance Note on Due Diligence


The Transnational Education Guidance Note on Due Diligence has been prepared by the University Foreign Interference Taskforce (UFIT) Transnational Education Working Group (TNEWG). The document offers universities additional advice on due diligence, specific to the transnational education environment.

Transnational Education Guidance Note on Due Diligence.pdf

Enhancing Cyber Security Across Australia’s University Sector: Final Report


In May 2020, the then Minister for Education allocated $1.6 million in funds from the 2019-20 Enabling Growth and Innovation (EGI) Program to enhance cyber security across Australia’s university sector.

In June 2020, RMIT University commenced delivery of the Enhancing Cyber Security Across Australia’s University Sector project (the Project).

The Project formally concluded on 31 December 2022, with RMIT University delivering the Project’s Final Report.

Training resources include blueprints, handbooks, and self-assessment tools to enhance the university sector’s specific capabilities and resilience, to mitigate threats and respond to incidents in alignment with government and industry regulations.

Access to training resources can be requested by emailing the RMIT team at from a university-provided email.

Factsheet – Open source information


An overview of how universities can enhance their existing due diligence processes through the collection and analysis of publicly available or ‘open source’ information.

Tools,Templates&Resources - Factsheet Open source info - edited for Comms 210916.pdf

Guidelines to Counter Foreign Interference in the Australian University Sector


These guidelines have been developed for, and in partnership with, the Australian University sector to help manage and engage with risk to deepen resilience against foreign interference in the university sector. They are designed to build on risk management policies and security practices already implemented by Australian universities, as well as assist decision makers to assess the risks from foreign interference.

ESE21-0359 UFIT Guidelines Refresh_ACC3.pdf

Development of University Foreign Interference Taskforce - media release


On 28 August 2019, Minister for Education Dan Tehan, announced the government is establishing a University Foreign Interference Taskforce to provide better protection for universities against foreign interference.
