Early childhood data and reports

We issue public reports about early childhood education and care in Australia.

On this page:

Quarterly reports

We issue a summary of information about the child care sector in Australia each quarter.

Go to the quarterly reports

Australian Early Development Census

The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) measures how children have developed by the time they start school.

Learn more about the Australian Early Development Census

National Workforce Census

The National Workforce Census helps us develop and measure policies and programs for the early childhood sector.

Learn more about the National Workforce Census

Measuring vulnerability and disadvantage in early childhood data collections

These reports identify options for child-centred indicators of disadvantage. They seek to understand the associations between child and area-level measures of disadvantage.

Read the report

National Education and Care Services Ombudsman, Freedom of information and Privacy Commissioners’ Annual Report

The Education and Care Services (ECS) Commissioners deal with complaints about the bodies responsible for implementing Australia’s early childhood education and care regulatory system. 

They submit an annual report each year to Education Ministers to table in their respective Parliaments. 

Read the annual reports