Family Assistance Law civil penalty provisions

We issue infringement notices to providers who do not comply with the law. This page lists the Family Assistance Law provisions for which we can issue an infringement notice.

A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999

The table below indicates the infringement notice amount for single contravention occurring after 7 November 2024 where the civil penalty unit is $330. Please note: For contraventions between 1 July 2023 and 6 November 2024, the civil penalty unit is $313.
Civil penalty Provision[1]RequirementCivil penaltyIndividual (e.g. sole trader)Body Corporate

Requirement to provide notice of the following matters affecting approval after becoming aware:

  1. Provider did not satisfy the provider approval requirements at time of approval
  2. Provider’s service did not satisfy service eligibility rules at time of approval
  3. Provider not complying with a condition for continued approval
60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
200A(1)Enrolment notices – Requirement to give notice if a child starts to be enrolled by a service30 penalty units$1,980$9,990
200A(2)Enrolment notice – Requirement to give notice if a child starts to be enrolled before approval given or during suspension of approval30 penalty units$1,980$9,990
200A(3)Enrolment notice – Requirement to give notice provider and person enter into an arrangement other than a complying written arrangement30 penalty units$1,980$9,990
200CVariation of complying written agreements – Requirement to ensure that a variation of a complying written arrangement is in writing30 penalty units$1,980$9,990
200D(1)Requirement to give notice of updates in relation to enrolment notices30 penalty units$1,980$9,990
201A(1)Requirement to pass on or remit fee reduction amount60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
201B(1)Requirement to enforce payment of hourly session fees60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
201C(1), (1A), (1B)Requirement not to charge an individual who is eligible for ACCS more than usual CCS hourly session fee, or before a prescribed event or circumstance applied60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
201C(1A)Requirement not to charge an individual who receives a ‘prescribed payment’ (see s16A of Minister’s Rules) more than hourly session fee for an individual who does not receive a prescribed payment, or before a prescribed event or circumstance applied60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
201C (1B)Requirement not to charge an individual, who is receiving a staff discount, more than the usual hourly fee for an individual who does not receive a staff discount, or before a prescribed event or circumstance applied60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
201C (1C)Requirement not to charge an individual, who is receiving a discount due to a prescribed event or circumstance, more than the usual hourly session fee charged immediately before the beginning of the prescribed period60 Penalty units$3,960$19,800
201D(2)Requirement to give individuals statements of entitlement30 penalty units$1,980$9,900
201D(4)Requirement to give a prescribed person statements of entitlement30 penalty units$1,980$9,900
201E(2)Requirement to give statements to an individual following changes of entitlement30 penalty units$1,980$9,900
201E(4)Requirement to give statements to a prescribed person following changes of entitlement30 penalty units$1,980$9,900

Requirement to make written records of:

  1. Individual’s eligibility for CCS or ACCS
  2. Eligibility of service for ACCS (child wellbeing)
  3. Provider’s compliance with conditions for continued approval
  4. Other matters prescribed by Secretary’s rules (see s 11, Secretary’s Rules)
50 penalty units$3,300$16,500

Requirement to keep records of:

  1. Individual’s eligibility for CCS or ACCS
  2. Eligibility of service for ACCS (child wellbeing)
  3. Provider’s compliance with conditions for continued approval
  4. Other matters prescribed by Secretary’s rules (see s 11, Secretary’s Rules)
50 penalty units$3,300$16,500
202C(1)Requirement to keep records in relation to certification for ACCS (child wellbeing) (that child is/was at risk of serious abuse or neglect)60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
202C(2)Requirement to obtain and record evidence that child is not at risk of serious abuse or neglect (if certificate for ACCS (child wellbeing) is cancelled)60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
202D(1)Requirement to keep Secretary informed about location of records after suspension or cancellation50 penalty units$3,960$19,800
203A(1)Requirement of large centre-based day care providers to provide financial information to determine financial viability60 penalty units$3,960$19,800
204A(1)Requirement to notify of intention to stop operating an approved child care service80 penalty units$3,960$19,800
204A(3)Requirement to notify if provider stops operating service due to breach of law or due to circumstances beyond provider’s control80 penalty units$3,960$19,800
204A(6)Requirement to provide further information if requested80 penalty units$3,960$19,800
204B(1)Requirement to report about children for whom care is provided50 penalty units$3,300$16,500
204C(2)Requirement to withdraw or substitute inaccurate report50 penalty units$3,300$16,500
204D(4)Requirement to give information about number of child care places30 penalty units$1,980$9,900
204E(1)Requirement to provide further information about care provided40 penalty units$2,640$13,200
204F(1)Requirement to notify Secretary of certain matters including matters outlined in Section 55 of the Child Care Subsidy Minister’s Rules 2017 – Refer table below50 penalty units$3,300$16,500
204H(1)Requirement to comply with the following provisions after provider’s approval is suspended, cancelled, or varied: 200A, 200C, 200D, 201A, 201B, 201C, 201D, 201E, 202B, 202C, 204B, 204C, 204ESee relevant civil penalty provision  
204K(1)Requirement to notify appropriate State/Territory support agency[4] of child at risk of serious abuse or neglect after giving Secretary certification for ACCS (child wellbeing)50 penalty units$3,300$16,500
204K(3)Requirement to notify State/Territory support agency of risk of serious abuse or neglect before applying for determination for ACCS (child wellbeing)50 penalty units$3,300$16,500

Section 55 of the Child Care Subsidy Minister’s Rules 2017

Item 1Information on the fees for care for each approved child care service
Item 2Information on the hours and days on which each approved child care service, including any changes
Item 3Available vacancies in respect of each approved child care service
Item 4Ceasing to operate an approved child care service
Item 5Change of physical or postal address of the provider
Item 6Change of physical or postal address of the premises from which any of the provider’s approved child care service operates
Item 7Change to the name of the provider, including evidence of name change
Item 8Change to the name of any of the provider’s approved child care services, including evidence of name change.
Item 9Change of any of the following contact details of the provider, or of any of the provider’s approved child care services: an email address, a website, a telephone number or a fax number
Item 10Information about any new person: with management or control of the provider (including any person who becomes responsible for the day-to-day operation of any of the provider’s approved child care services), or who becomes an FDC educator or IHC educator in relation to any such service
Item 11Change of the name of or contact details for any of the following persons: a person with management or control of the provider (including any person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of any of the provider’s approved child care services), an FDC educator or IHC educator in relation to any such service
Item 12The provider becomes aware, because of a check undertaken in relation to a person as mentioned in section 43, that the person: has a conviction or finding of guilt, is an undischarged bankrupt or was a director or secretary of a corporation when the corporation went into administration, receivership or liquidation, or at any time during the 12 months beforehand
Item 13An event or circumstance in relation to a person with management or control of the provider (including a person responsible for the day-to-day operation of any of the provider’s approved child care services) that reasonably indicates that the person is not likely to be a fit and proper person to be involved in the administration of CCS and ACCS.
Item 14A person stops having management or control of the provider (including when a person stops having day-to-day responsibility for the operation of any of the provider’s approved child care services).
Item 15An educator obtains a qualification in circumstances outlined in subsection 46(4) of the Minister’s
Item 16A provider or a person with management or control of the provider, obtains an interest, or is likely to obtain an interest, in a business, in circumstances outlined in subsection 46(5) of the Minister’s Rules.
Item 17Change in the status of a current working with children check for an individual covered by section 195D of the Family Assistance Administration Act
Item 18The provider enters into administration, receivership, liquidation or bankruptcy.
Item 19Unexpected closure of any of the provider’s approved child care services due to unforeseen circumstances
Item 20A serious conviction or finding of guilt (see item 12) of: a person with management or control of the provider (including a person who becomes responsible for the day-to-day operation of any of the provider’s approved child care services) or an FDC educator, or another educator, in relation to any such service.
Item 21Any change in relation to the formal foster care arrangement or long term protection order that applies to a child that is a member of a class prescribed by the Minister’s rules for the purposes of 85CA(ba).
Item 22An FDC educator ceases to be engaged by or registered with any of the provider’s approved child care services; or 3 months have passed since the educator last provided care on behalf of the provider.
Item 23Change of physical address of the premises from which an FDC educator provides care for the service.

[1] A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999

[2] Civil Penalty Unit – as at 7 November 2024 - $330

[3] Civil Penalty Unit – as at 7 November 2024 - $330

[4] ‘appropriate State/Territory support agency’ is a department or agency of the State or Territory that is responsible for dealing with matters relating to the welfare of children, or organisation dealing with such matters on behalf of the department or agency (s204K(7)).