Anonymous #257

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Anonymous #257

Where are you located?

New South Wales

What type of area do you live in?

Regional or rural

Are you an education professional?
(e.g. teacher, school leader, learning support assistant, teacher’s aide)


Elevating the profession

The actions proposed recognise the value teachers bring to students, communities and the economy.

Strongly agree

Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?

My feedback is in regards to the LANTITE test which is required before graduating from a teaching course. Iam currently enrolled in Masters of teaching (primary) course and I have completed all the subjects and most practical units however, Iam unable to teach or graduate because of this test. I believe this test is irrelevant to to this whole process. I could be teaching right now instead, I have wasted years of studying a masters degree with distinction also it has costed me a substantial amount of money. This is just another hurdle facing pre service teachers and deterring a lot of people from the profession.

Improving teacher supply

The actions proposed will be effective in increasing the number of students entering ITE, number of students completing ITE and the number of teachers staying in and/or returning to the profession.

Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?

Strengthening Initial Teacher Education (ITE)

The actions proposed will ensure initial teacher education supports teacher supply and quality.

Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?

Maximising the time to teach

The actions proposed will improve retention and free up teachers to focus on teaching and collaboration.

Strongly agree

Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?

I believe that teachers across Australia are doing a wonderful job however, they are facing a lot off hurdles and are under a lot of pressure with limited resources. The whole system needs a shake up. Unfortunately pay rise will not fix the problem and a lot need to be done.

Better understanding future teacher workforce needs

How effective are the proposed actions in better understanding future teacher workforce needs, including the number of teachers required?

Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?

Better career pathways to support and retain teachers in the profession

The proposed actions will improve career pathways, including through streamlining the process for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation, and providing better professional support for teachers to retain them in the profession.

Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?