High Achieving Teachers (HAT) Program

The Australian Government supports alternative pathways into teaching through the High Achieving Teachers (HAT) Program. 

Program participants are recruited from a diverse range of backgrounds with the knowledge, skills and experience that schools need. 

Participants are placed in teaching positions in Australian primary and secondary schools experiencing teacher workforce shortages. In schools, they receive a high degree of training and support while they complete an Australian accredited teaching qualification and develop into high quality teachers.

On this page:

The HAT Program commenced in 2020, with two employment-based pathways into teaching for high achieving individuals, committed to pursuing a career in the teaching profession. These programs are provided by Teach for Australia and La Trobe University (Nexus).

National Teacher Workforce Action Plan (NTWAP)

In 2022, through the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan, the Government committed 1,500 more places to the HAT program as part of expansion pilots. This is being delivered in two phases.  

The first 105 places are being delivered by La Trobe University in two cohorts in Victoria and New South Wales, commencing in primary schools in 2024.    

In 2024, ten providers were selected through a competitive grant process to pilot new and innovative employment-based pathways into teaching across all states and territories. There are 1,497 places being delivered under Phase 2, with cohorts commencing from 2025.

These pilots focus on recruiting people from a diverse range of backgrounds, including STEM specialists, First Nations peoples, people with disability, teacher aides and people based in remote locations.

A list of successful providers can be found below: 


HAT Places 

University of Canberra 


Charles Sturt University 


Teach for Australia 


Western Sydney University 


Australian Catholic University Limited 


University of South Australia 


University of Tasmania 


Queensland University of Technology 


Edith Cowan University 


La Trobe University 


Explore the Participating Providers to learn more about each pathway.