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Anonymous #248
Where are you located?
Australian Capital Territory
What type of area do you live in?
Are you an education professional?
(e.g. teacher, school leader, learning support assistant, teacher’s aide)
Elevating the profession
The actions proposed recognise the value teachers bring to students, communities and the economy.
Somewhat agree
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Good to have best teaching initiatives showcased by excellent teachers at the height of their energy levels and also competence.
But will this eliminate criticism of profession and blame of hard working teachers?
Public school teachers receive much finger pointing and criticism with think tank look over there approach about one specific thing like initial teacher education in teaching reading. Phonics is taught in schools maybe not by a best and brightest, but adequate teacher but consolidation of that learning by hearing children read one on one after they have been or are being taught letter sounds and some word meanings could be done by a Teacher’s Aide with a good vocabulary and literacy skill and training in hearing students read. Extra staffing provided for consolidation in say high need schools could produce equal results, but ideally both is needed. Better results means less demeaning of teachers and better morale.
Improving teacher supply
The actions proposed will be effective in increasing the number of students entering ITE, number of students completing ITE and the number of teachers staying in and/or returning to the profession.
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As a retired Teacher Librarian, teacher and including EALD teacher mostly in primary but some secondary, I inform you that there should be caution applied to mid-career changes,. I know of two cases where people have gone through the education qualification with the debt that entails and started teaching and found it too hard and left. One of them said, “Holidays …what holidays?” and left to go back to work in a health department. Another secretary who wanted to teach students good grammar and spelling left quickly as she found what she thought it would be like was a tip of the iceberg.
I did retire in 2015 after but I recall the workload was becoming even more huge then. The person who became head of the education department considerwed data the most important and we became continuous “data analysts” and data gatherers and reporters, as well as teachers. Teachers became reporters for government. I became aware that this continuous data analysis and increased correct documentation is like 2 jobs instead of one and somewhat impacted energy for teaching. Then there are evening school concerts and extra-curricular activities, staff meetings, continuous training, organising excursions, every ancillary task for every lesson creating for some the 70 hour week which is unsustainable.
Also you want to bring in the best and the brightest teachers you can, but if they don’t see themselves as comprehenders of data and documenters and the big one establishing rapport with students and management of challenging behaviours, then it may not have success. Having the best and brightest attracted to the profession is a great initiative but only if the conditions and workload are not as horrendous as they are now. Also if they don't have the best resources and conditions it may not appeal and this should be for all teachers not just the best and brightest.
When the best and brightest is informed of all that is required of a teacher, it may not go well.
More funding needed to handle ancillary tasks to address workload as well as best resources
Strengthening Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
The actions proposed will ensure initial teacher education supports teacher supply and quality.
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If ITE requires work experience in schools the extra impost on schools needs to be taken into account. Already exhausted teachers with deadlines are required to write reports on trainee teachers and mentor them. Positive experiences of ITE would occur only at schools where teachers are not burnt-out. More ancillary workers to do that work for teachers may help that
Maximising the time to teach
The actions proposed will improve retention and free up teachers to focus on teaching and collaboration.
Strongly agree
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I did retire in 2015 but I recall the workload was becoming even more huge then. The person who became head of the education department believed data was the most important and we became continuous “data analysts” and data gatherers and reporters up the line with work coming down as well. Teachers became reporters for government. We had a data wall in our school that positioned each student according to test results and other assessment which we looked at and discussed after school. I became aware that this continuous data analysis and increased correct documentation is like 2 jobs instead of one and somewhat impacted energy for teaching.
What I found was most difficult in the end was the documenting such as playground accidents and incidents on difficult forms that took me a long time to comprehend and fill out. Just doing the roll twice a day in primary and for each class in secondary needs to be meticulous. There is a lot of stuff you have to do as a teacher with regards to duty of care such as mandatory reporting of suspected family abuse.
The big suggestion for me is that ancilliary work be covered by more teacher’s aides or other suitable workers, particularly in primary schools. It would be good if a teacher's aide could set up a craft class over recess so teacher out on playground duty could also have bathroom and coffee and professional chat time. In primary school there was only two and a half hours planning time during school time and this could be cut short as you may need to meet the principal in her office etc for some of that time, organising excursions, photocopying etc. And every lesson needs planning and/or comprehending with the resources required set up or ready.
Every lesson and unit of study needs comprehending and planning/organising prior to teaching.
I strongly suggest employment of Teachers Aides with good English language and literacy skills hearing children read good quality readers one on one, clean and manage readers, maths and science equipment in schools that need these. Teachers do a lot of these tasks as well as teaching! I suggest you analyse how many ancilliary workers there are in private schools in comparison!
Better understanding future teacher workforce needs
How effective are the proposed actions in better understanding future teacher workforce needs, including the number of teachers required?
Slightly effective
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
Teachers have stated the workload is unsustainable. That is why they are leaving the profession. That and being demoralised. Financial and other incentives do not work when things are that dire.
Better career pathways to support and retain teachers in the profession
The proposed actions will improve career pathways, including through streamlining the process for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation, and providing better professional support for teachers to retain them in the profession.
Somewhat agree
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It may be helpful for some teachers