2024-25 MYEFO: Delivering the Australian Tertiary Education Commission fact sheet
The Australian Government will provide $54.0 million (from 2024-25 to 2034-35) to establish the Australian Tertiary Education Commission, which will play a key role in driving important structural reforms to grow equity participation and meet Australia’s skills needs.
Australian Universities Accord: 2024-25 MYEFO Summary
The 2024-25 MYEFO delivers the next steps in the Government’s reforms of the tertiary education system.
2024-25 MEYFO: Funding reforms for a better, fairer higher education system
The Australian Government is introducing a new Managed Growth Funding system for Commonwealth supported places and demand-driven Needs-based Funding and other measures to support students from underrepresented backgrounds.
2024-25 MYEFO: Disability Support Fund - increased funding fact sheet
The Australian Government will quadruple the Disability Support Fund to assist more students with disability to access, participate and succeed in higher education.
Equity Policy Options: Parity Targets
This report by the Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (ACSES) outlines policy options in relation to parity targets for four priority equity groups in Australian higher education – students from low SES backgrounds, First Nations students, students with disability, and students from regional and remote Australia.
Needs-Based Funding Implementation Consultation Paper
This paper outlines key proposed elements of a Needs-based Funding system and implementation issues for further consultation.
Accord Implementation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference (ToRs) were updated in December 2024 to reflect the extension of the Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) into 2025. The ToRs outline the purpose, timeframe and membership of the IAC.
Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) Implementation Consultation Paper
This paper outlines key proposed elements of the Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) and key implementation issues for further consultation.
Managed Growth Funding System Implementation Consultation Paper
This paper outlines key proposed elements of the new Managed Growth Funding System and key implementation issues for further consultation.
Accord Report - A Critique of Public Sector Post-Graduate Study Pricing Arrangements in the HELP System
This report is the first of three which outlines policy options regarding the setting of student contributions for Commonwealth supported places.
Accord Report - Benchmarking Cost Efficiency and Productivity in Universities
This report examines the cost efficiency and productivity in Australian universities, specifically looking at differences related to geography, number of campuses, and specialisation.
Accord Report - Future Disruptions for Australian Universities
This report investigates disruptive influences on Australia's higher education system over the next 10−20 years and what those disruptions mean for the Accord and the future of higher education.
Accord Report - HECS-HELP: Setting Prices for Student Charges
This report is the third of three which outlines policy options regarding the setting of student contributions for Commonwealth supported places.
Accord Report - Higher Education Teaching and Scholarship – Proposed New Funding Model
This report outlines the system architecture for a proposed new funding model predominantly for Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) that enables more students to attend university to meet Australia’s future skills needs.
Accord Report - Interim Report Submission Analysis
This report delivers a quantitative and qualitative analysis on 329 stakeholder submissions to the Accord Interim Report.
Accord Report - International Comparison of Tertiary Education Systems
This report reviewed high performing tertiary systems from Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Korea, Singapore and New Zealand and compared these systems to Australia, and investigated tertiary governance structures and considerations as they relate to the interaction between VET and higher education sectors.
Accord Report - Literature review of belonging
This report provides a look at current literature that speaks to what belonging is, what sense of belonging looks like to university students, and the strategies used to foster a sense of belonging.
Accord Report - Meeting Australia's Future Skills Needs
This report provides policy options to facilitate a tertiary education system which is more responsive to the changing future skill needs of the Australian economy. This includes greater harmonisation between the VET and higher education sectors to enhance skills provision and enhance student learning outcomes.
Accord Report - Rapid quantitative analysis of Accord Discussion Paper submissions
This report undertakes a quantitative analysis of 297 written submissions to the Accord Discussion Paper.
Accord Report - Stewardship of the Tertiary Education Sector
This report outlines three options for a tertiary education commission (TEC) and issues relating to the governance and stewardship of Australia’s tertiary education system.