
The following is a list of all the resources that are associated with About the Department.

2020-21 Corporate Plan


We help to create an inclusive and prosperous Australia by maximising opportunity through national leadership on education, skills and employment policy development.

Our corporate plan is the department’s primary planning document, and sets the direction for how we will work, build our capability and engage with risk to deliver on our purpose over the next four years. We will work together to leverage the transformative opportunities that our new responsibilities represent.

Corporate Plan 2020-2021

2019-20 Corporate Plan


Our Corporate Plan is the department’s primary planning document, and sets the direction for how we will work, build our capability and engage with risk to deliver our purpose. We will work together to leverage the transformative opportunities that our new responsibilities represent.

Corporate Plan 2019-20

Fact sheet - Accessing and correcting your information


There are a number of mechanisms you can utilise to access and correct your personal information held by the department, including under:

the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act);

the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (the FOI Act); or

an informal administrative arrangement.

The purpose of this Fact sheet is to provide you with some information on how you can go about seeking access to your personal information using these mechanisms and your options for correcting that information in the event that you consider the information to be inaccurate, out of date, irrelevant or misleading. 

Fact Sheet - Accessing and Correcting your Personal Information (March 2023).pdf

Procedures for dealing with Public Interest Disclosures


These procedures are for the purpose of dealing with public interest disclosures made under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (‘the PID Act’). The PID Act creates a public interest disclosure scheme that promotes internal reporting of suspected wrongdoing in public sector agencies. These procedures will assist department employees and other people to understand their obligations under the PID Act.

Procedures for Dealing with Public Interst Disclosures.pdf