Child Care Services Census Pre-2010 Results

On this page:

The Australian Government conducted the Census of Child Care Services at regular intervals between 1986 and 2006.

The information collected by the census was used to monitor growth, operation of services and assist in planning and developing child care policies.

Census reports

2006 Census

This census was conducted in May 2006 and examined information about child care users, staff and carers, and operational details of child care services for nine service types:

  • Aboriginal Playgroups and Enrichment Programs
  • Family Day Care Schemes
  • In Home Care Schemes
  • Long Day Care Services
  • Mobile and Toy Libraries
  • Multifunctional Aboriginal Children's Services
  • Occasional Care Services
  • Outside School Hours Care Services
  • Vacation Care Services

2006 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services
The 2006 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services summary booklet contains summarised tables from the census.

2006 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services – Summary Booklet

2004 Census

2004 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services

2004 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services – Summary booklet

2002 Census

2002 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services

2002 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services – Summary booklet

2001 Census

The 2001 Census was not a full census of all child care services. Only the non-Child Care Benefit (non-CCB) services were surveyed, such as:

  • Aboriginal Playgroups and Enrichment Programs
  • Mobiles and Toy Libraries
  • Multifunctional Aboriginal Children's Services
  • Multifunctional Children's Services
  • CCB approved Family Day Care services using the "Harmony" software system

The decision not to conduct a full census was taken to reduce the administrative demands on child care services during the implementation of Child Care Benefit (CCB). This makes comparisons between the 2001 Census and the 2002 Census as well as all other Censuses problematic. It is recommended that caution be used in comparisons between Censuses for Family Day Care.

2001 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services-Tables

1999 Census

1999 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services

1996-1997 Census

1996-1997 Australian Government Census of Child Care Services

Further Information

To obtain copies of the data collection forms from 1989-2006 or copies of older Child Care Census publications (1989-1995), please contact the Child Care Census team at ECEC‑