What records you need to keep

Under Family Assistance Law (FAL), early childhood education and care providers must keep certain records. This page outlines record keeping requirements and timeframes.

On this page:

The following table lists the records you must keep to keep your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approval. 

You must keep these records for 7 years. You may store records either electronically or as hard copies. 

You must ensure records are stored safely and any changes are recorded. 

We may take compliance action if you don’t meet your record keeping obligations.

This page covers your record keeping requirements under FAL. There are different record keeping requirements under the National Law. Find advice in the Guide to the National Quality Framework.

Records you must keep Who this applies to 
All evidence and information supplied in a CCS approval application All providers 
All mandatory background checks and any evidence or information produced to obtain the checks All providers 
Attendance records for every child at your service, regardless of whether they get CCS All providers 
Absence records for every child at your service, including evidence for any additional absences if required All providers 
All statements of entitlement All providers 
Any statements issued to advise of a change to a statement of entitlement All providers 
All invoices and receipts issued for fees All providers 
Any notice given to a state or territory body about a child at risk of abuse or neglect All providers 
Any complaints made to a provider or any of its services relating to compliance with FALAll providers 
A register of care provided to relatives Family Day Care providers only 
A record of the address and contact number when care is provided at a premise other than a Family Day Care educator’s own residence Family Day Care providers only