G. Sample TFN notifications from the ATO

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Sample notification when incorrect TFN provided

Your student has given you the wrong tax file number

Dear <First name><Sir/Madam>,

We could not match the tax file number (TFN) that the student listed below with our records:

Student name:


Date of birth:


Student identification number:


Period of study:

<Period_Of Study>

We have told this student that they have not given you the right TFN and that they have 28 days to give you either:

  • the right TFN; or
  • a certificate from us stating that they have applied for one.

By law, if a student does not give you one of the above, then they are not eligible for Commonwealth assistance through the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).

If the student gives you the right TFN, please report this to the department. You can do this using the standard processes for updating HELP data. If the student is not eligible for Commonwealth assistance, you must delete their HELP data.

For more information on updating HELP data, contact www.tcsisupport.gov.au .

Yours <sincerely><faithfully>,

<Deputy Commissioner’s Name>

Deputy Commissioner of Taxation