Early childhood wages

The Australian Government will fund a wage increase for the early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce through a worker retention payment.

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We’re funding a wage increase for the ECEC workforce through a worker retention payment. The payment runs for 2 years and will fund:

  • a wage increase of 15% above the modern award rates
  • a minimum additional 20% funding for eligible on-costs (calculated against your base funding).

Providers opt-in by applying for the payment. The payment will be issued to eligible providers through a grant agreement and delivered via the Child Care Subsidy System. Providers must pass the payment on to eligible ECEC workers.

Applications are open.

Apply for the worker retention payment

Key dates

Applications open

8 October 2024

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We held a webinar on 10 October 2024. The recording is no longer available following updates to the grant guidelines.

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Wage increase takes effect

2 December 2024

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Payments start

January 2025

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Applications close

30 September 2026

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Payments end

30 November 2026

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Guidelines Updated 05/03/2025

Download the grant guidelines on GrantConnect.

Read a summary of the grant guidelines below.


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What happens next?

The worker retention payment is an interim measure while the Fair Work Commission (FWC) finalises its gender undervaluation priority awards review.

Gender undervaluation proceedings

The FWC’s review is currently considering wages in the Children’s Services Award 2010

As stated in the guidelines, the worker retention payment has been designed to account for the outcomes of the review. Specifically, if the Children’s Services Award 2010 wages:

  • Increase by less than the amount provided by the worker retention payment – the amount you must pay above award will reduce by an amount equivalent to the award increase. For example, if the award increases by 6%, employers will still need to pay 4% above the award until 1 December 2025.
  • Match the amount provided by the worker retention payment – the award can serve as a compliant instrument for the purpose of eligibility. The review is not considering the Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2020. You will still need an alternative compliant workplace instrument for workers covered by this award.
  • Exceed the amount provided by the worker retention payment – the minimum rates in the guidelines will be replaced with the new award rates.

We are monitoring the proceedings closely and will make any necessary changes quickly.

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