Managing session reports from previous financial years

Providers can apply to submit, update or withdraw session reports from a previous financial year.

On this page:

Before you change a session report

You should consider the following before you submit, substitute, or withdraw a session report.

If you don’t submit accurate session reports on time, you may be breaking the law.

We may take compliance action if you fail to meet your obligations, including:

  • putting conditions on your approval
  • issuing an infringement notice
  • directing you to amend the report
  • suspending or cancelling your approval.

If you update, replace or withdraw a session report, we may use this to assess your CCS approval. You may also be liable for any debts that arise from changing a session report.

Apply to access session reports

After a financial year ends, the Child Care Subsidy System (CCSS) will close for that year.

You must apply to submit, update or withdraw a session report from a previous financial year. You must provide a separate application per family.

If you are applying to amend data for multiple children or weeks, you must provide the information in a spreadsheet. This will only be accepted if all information is provided.

Download an example spreadsheet.

When we’ll approve access

We only permit changes in limited circumstances. When assessing your application, we’ll consider:

  • if you’re correcting an inaccurate enrolment notice, attendance record or fee error
  • you are submitting an initial session report (this may mean that a provider is in breach of the law and a civil penalty may apply)
  • if the change will impact an individual’s CCS entitlement
  • if the application and changes contain accurate and complete information
  • if you have provided relevant evidence to support the change.

Types of evidence

We may request evidence to support an application. This could include:

  • attendance records
  • statements of entitlement
  • enrolments or Complying Written Arrangements
  • evidence of casual bookings
  • proof of actual attendance
  • receipts of gap fee payments.

How to complete the application form

Read the following guidance before applying.

Part A

Provider CRN

Your provider CRN is a 9-digit number followed by a capital letter (e.g. 190000000A). It can be found in your third-party software, via the Provider Entry Point (PEP), or on a family statement.

Service CRN

Your Service CRN is also a 9-digit number followed by a capital letter (e.g. 10000000B). It can be found in your third-party software, via the Provider Entry Point (PEP), or on a family statement. 

Important: Your Service CRN is not the same as your Provider CRN.

Service address

Provide the full address of your service. This includes your street name and number, suburb, postcode and state or territory.

Part B

Parent/guardian details

This must match the details of the parent/guardian listed on that child’s enrolment.

Child enrolment ID

Your enrolment ID is a 10-digit number preceded by a capital 'E' (e.g. E8000000000). This is unique to every child who attends a service. You can find enrolment IDs in the PEP under 'Enrolment Notices'.

Part C

Current data

This must match the session reports that are currently submitted in the CCSS.

Intended changes

This must show the final session report once you have made your changes.

Each ‘current data’ and ‘intended changes’ row is for one week only.

If you have more than 3 weeks to change, you must submit a spreadsheet for the additional weeks. Download an example spreadsheet.

Educator name

For care provided at a Family Day Care service or In Home Care service.

Hourly fee charge per session of care

This must be the hourly fee per session, not the total fee. Calculate this by dividing your total fee by the total session length.

Example – how to submit session reports

The child started attending care for 5 days a week. The service did not submit the child’s first session report on 19 June 2023. The service is requesting access to the previous financial year to submit this outstanding session report.

Example 1Attendance week ending (Sunday)Educator name for In Home Care/Family Day Care onlyDates of sessions of care in the week ending periodHourly fee charge per session of careTotal hours per session of careTotal fee for week ending period
Current data25/6/2023N/A20/6/2023
Intended changes25/6/2023N/A19/6/2023

The current data shows there are currently only 4 session reports (20/6, 21/6, 22/6 and 23/6) submitted to the CCSS for this child during this week.

In the intended changes field, the 4 sessions are included and the extra session for 19/6/2023 is added. This shows that currently there are no session reports submitted on 19/6/2023 but the service is requesting access to the system to submit it.


Example – how to withdraw session reports

The child was attending care on Mondays and Tuesdays. The child dropped down to Monday only, however the service incorrectly claimed a Tuesday for one week.

Example 2Attendance Week Ending (Sunday)Educator Name for In Home Care/Family Day Care onlyDates of sessions of care in the week ending periodHourly fee charge per session of careTotal hours per session of careTotal fee for week ending period
Current Data25/06/2023N/A19/06/2023
Intended Changes25/06/2023N/A19/06/2023$1012$120

The current data shows that there are currently two sessions submitted to the CCS system for this child.

In the intended changes field, only one session report is included. This shows that the service wants to withdraw the session on the 20/06/2023 so that only the session on 19/06/2023 will remain for this week.


Example – how to vary session reports

The child attends care 3 days a week. The service recently updated their fees, however incorrectly reported their old fees for a week.

Example 3Attendance week ending (Sunday)Educator name for In Home Care/Family Day Care onlyDates of sessions of care in the week ending periodHourly fee charge per session of careTotal hours per session of careTotal fee for week ending period
Current data25/6/2023N/A19/6/2023
Intended changes25/6/2023N/A19/6/2023

The current data shows the hourly fee charged per session of care during this week as $10.

In the intended changes field, the updated hourly fee of $13.20 is shown for all three session reports. This indicates the service wants to vary the fees for these sessions.

Part D

Provide a clear explanation of the changes that are required. You must explain what you are requesting to change (submit, withdraw or amend session reports) and why.

Part F

The form must be signed by a person authorised to act on behalf of the provider. An authorised person is a person responsible for the day-to-day operation of the service or a person with management or control.

The authorised person must provide their PRODA number. This is their individual PRODA RA number that can be found in their PRODA account. This number is different to their Person ID.


The below scenarios will help you determine whether an application is appropriate. Please read them before applying.

You must ensure your enrolments and session reports correctly identify the person who is claiming CCS for each child.

Families should let you know if their personal circumstances change, including if the person claiming CCS changes. You must then update their enrolment details once notified of the change.

If a family does not inform of a change in circumstances, it is their responsibility to resolve any issues regarding CCS payments and fee reductions with Services Australia.

You should not update or withdraw session reports from a previous financial year based on a request from a family.


Parent A is identified as the CCS claimant on a child’s enrolment.

Parent A has told you that parent B has been paying child care fees for the last financial year. They would like their session reports to be backdated to reflect parent B as the CCS claimant.

As the child’s enrolment lists parent A as the CCS claimant, and the family did not advise you of any changes during the previous financial year, you should not apply to update or withdraw the session reports.

You are only required to change the enrolment to reflect parent B as the CCS claimant on the day you are notified of the change.


Parent A is identified as the CCS claimant on a child’s enrolment.

Several months ago, the family completed a new enrolment form with parent B as the new CCS claimant. You failed to update the enrolment details to parent B and continued to submit session reports with parent A as the claimant.

In this example, you may apply to update session reports from a previous financial year as you did not update the enrolment details at the time of notification.

A family’s CCS entitlement changes

You should not update or withdraw session reports from a previous financial year if a family informs you that their entitlement to CCS has changed.

Services Australia will adjust a family’s CCS entitlement for a previous financial year as part of the CCS balancing process.



A parent at your service has received a notification from Services Australia that the number of hours they were entitled to CCS for a period in the previous financial year has increased from 36 to 100 hours per fortnight.

The parent asks you to resubmit their session reports to reflect the extra CCS hours they were entitled to.

In this scenario, you should not apply to update or withdraw the session reports. This is because Services Australia will adjust the family’s entitlement when they balance their payment.

You should direct the family to Services Australia if they have questions about CCS balancing.

You submit session reports in bulk

It is common practice to submit session reports for multiple children in bulk or batches.

If you discover you’ve made an error on an individual child’s session report, you do not need to apply to update or withdraw the entire batch.

You should only request to update or withdraw the session reports for the individual child where the error was made.

More information

If you need more information about session reports, please contact the CCS Provider Helpdesk on 1300 667 276 or email