Early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers can apply for a subsidy to help qualified staff to complete training that adds to their skills.
On this page:
This opportunity is open. Round 2 applications close 14 March 2025.
About the subsidy
The professional development subsidy covers 1 day of training for qualified ECEC staff.
We pay the subsidy to providers. Funding is paid to each eligible service’s bank account.
Providers must pass funding on to staff through training opportunities where applicable.
The subsidy aims to:
- build capacity and skills in the early childhood workforce
- allow services to maintain educator-to-child ratios while staff complete training.
In 2024–25, all ECEC providers can apply. Subsidies are no longer limited to regional and remote areas and First Nations educators.
Who can get the subsidy?
The subsidy is for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approved providers.
Providers can apply on behalf of the following staff:
- early childhood teachers
- early childhood educators
- centre managers.
These staff must:
- be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or hold a valid work visa
- work at a CCS-approved service
- be part of the educator-to-child ratio
- work full-time, part-time or casual
- have worked at the service more than 40 hours in the last 3 months.
What can the subsidy be used for?
The subsidy covers 1 day, or up to 7.5 hours, of training per staff member.
You must use the subsidy to:
- supplement the cost of backfilling while staff engage in training or
- pay staff a supplement for training undertaken outside of work hours.
Training can include:
- mandatory training such as first aid, child protection and food handling
- highly recommended training such as cultural competency and inclusion training
- mentoring or leadership programs delivered by a registered training organisation.
You can use the subsidy to cover multiple training activities.
How much is the subsidy?
The subsidy is a flat daily rate. It is based current award rates and includes a 25% casual loading.
Staff type | 2024–25 | 2023–24 |
Early childhood teacher | $415.30 | $400.27 |
Early childhood educator | $263.45 | $253.97 |
Centre manager (director) | $388.13 | $374.06 |
How to apply
We have engaged Deloitte to manage the 2024–25 application process. Providers can apply through the grants portal below.
Apply for the professional development subsidy
A person with management or control must complete the application.
Staff cannot apply themselves. If you work in the sector and think you’d benefit from this subsidy, please talk to your provider about applying.
If we receive a high volume of applications, we will prioritise:
- educators in regional and remote areas
- First Nations educators.
The below scenarios can help guide you when applying for the professional development subsidy.
Example 1
Alex is an educator at a Centre Based Day Care. They need to complete a food preparation and handling course. Can Alex get paid time to do the course?
Alex needs to talk to their employer. With Alex’s consent, the provider can apply for the professional development subsidy on their behalf.
A person with management or control (PMC) for the provider needs to submit the application.
If the application is successful, the provider will receive the subsidy in the bank account nominated in the Child Care Subsidy System.
Alex’s service can either:
- pay Alex a supplement to complete the course in their own time
- use the money to backfill Alex’s position while they complete the course during work hours.
Example 2
Sally is a person with management or control (PMC) for a provider with 10 services. She applies for the professional development subidy for 20 staff across various services and is approved.
Sally intends to hire a food-handling specialist to travel to each service and provide instruction to staff. Is this an appropriate use of the subsidy?
No, the subsidy cannot be used to directly employ an external or onsite training consultant. The subsidy can only be used to:
- pay the employee a wage supplement for training outside work hours, or
- backfill staff members undertaking training during work hours.
Sally would have to return any funds used for this purpose.
Key dates
Applications will be processed in 2 rounds.
Round 1 applications open
23 July 2024
Round 1 applications close
20 September 2024
Round 1 payments expected to be made to successful applicants
November 2024
Round 2 applications open
13 January 2025
Round 2 applications close
14 March 2025
Round 2 payments expected to be made to successful applicants
May 2025
The subsidy guidelines have more details about:
- the purpose of the subsidy
- eligibility criteria
- how applications are considered and selected
- how subsidy recipients will be monitored and evaluated
- responsibilities and expectations.
Providers must acquit funding received under the professional development subsidy.