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Submitter information
Anonymous #164
Where are you located?
Australian Capital Territory
What type of area do you live in?
Are you an education professional?
(e.g. teacher, school leader, learning support assistant, teacher’s aide)
Which sector do you work in?
What is your occupation?
School leader
Elevating the profession
The actions proposed recognise the value teachers bring to students, communities and the economy.
Somewhat agree
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
I have attached a link to a recent academic study reviewing the portrayal of teachers and the relentless focus on teacher quality. I recommend that there is a total, government backed, media campaign organised to highlight the excellence of the profession in an ongoing way.
Improving teacher supply
The actions proposed will be effective in increasing the number of students entering ITE, number of students completing ITE and the number of teachers staying in and/or returning to the profession.
Somewhat agree
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
Waive HECS for teaching degrees
Strengthening Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
The actions proposed will ensure initial teacher education supports teacher supply and quality.
Somewhat agree
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
Form a working party of AITSL ITE Panel Chairs and Members for feedback on supports needed to better link Universities to Employers that don’t threaten funding of ITE programs.
Maximising the time to teach
The actions proposed will improve retention and free up teachers to focus on teaching and collaboration.
Somewhat agree
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
Extended internships and qualification recognition (RPL) to assist on the job training. Funded training/Internships to retain teachers. Cleaner methods to remove teachers who don’t meet the Standards.
Better understanding future teacher workforce needs
How effective are the proposed actions in better understanding future teacher workforce needs, including the number of teachers required?
Moderately effective
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
There must be a definition of what “Future” is. In the ACT the Future of Education Strategy is a fantastic aspirational and forward leaning policy. Footsteps and milestones need to be developed as pathway documents, the “how to” enact this future focused learning. Note the work of Lee Crockett: Future-focused Learning: 10 Essential Shifts of Everyday Practice Lee Crockett. Other works are also a great starting point. Appoint Lee as a National Coach to ensure that future workforce equals future of education and student needs.
Better career pathways to support and retain teachers in the profession
The proposed actions will improve career pathways, including through streamlining the process for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation, and providing better professional support for teachers to retain them in the profession.
Somewhat agree
Would you like to provide feedback about these actions?
HALT and Lead teacher accreditation give some support for teachers to remain as teachers - financially. Promotion as a teacher is not a bad thing at all but it moves teachers away from contact directly with students to perform other tasks. School funding should cover more than just the bare essentials of the formula ie. 1 teacher to 30 students, this doesn’t fund quality, only quantity. WE are not a business and should not be expected to follow a business model.