National Digital Research Infrastructure

National Digital Research Infrastructure (NDRI) refers to the digital tools and services that are collectively managed and operated for researchers to access and collaborate across the country.

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The National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy acknowledges that a stronger NDRI ecosystem will support world-leading and cutting-edge research for the benefit of all Australians.

The Strategy will be complemented by the development of an NDRI Investment Plan (IP), funded and implemented through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

An NDRI Working Group has been established to support development of the NDRI IP. The group is comprised of people with field-specific expertise drawn directly from Australia’s NDRI landscape, including members from the National Research Infrastructure Advisory Group (NRIAG). The NDRI Working Group members are:

  • Chair: Emeritus Professor Joe Shapter
  • Professor Liz Sonenberg
  • Mr Mike Hill
  • Professor Elanor Huntington
  • Mr Richard Northam
  • Emeritus Professor Robyn Owens.

The NDRI Working Group will produce the NDRI IP using the steps outlined below and in accordance with the group's Terms of Reference.

  • Initial consultation – a blend of open and targeted consultation on advancing the objectives of the IP.
  • Call for potential investments – potential NDRI providers, identified through the initial consultation, will be invited to submit costed outlines of how they could provide research infrastructure that would advance the objectives of the NDRI Strategy. 
  • Drafting and testing – gathering and incorporating feedback on the initial draft NDRI IP from the NRIAG and through other consultations.
  • Consultations on the draft final NDRI IP – a blend of open and targeted consultation on how well the draft final IP will advance the objectives of the NDRI Strategy.
  • Submit - Finalise the NDRI IP, including recommended funding level, seek endorsement from the NRIAG, and submit to the Department. 

Read the NDRI Working Group's Terms of Reference.

The NDRI IP will also be guided by the National Research Infrastructure (NRI) Investment Principles, listed below and as outlined in the 2021 NRI Roadmap.

  • Funding for investment in NRI is in areas of national significance that can demonstrably support Australia’s research and innovation system.
  • Investment should balance the long-term nature of NRI development, together with changes in national priorities and identified gaps in the research and innovation system.
  • Investment should produce NRI that facilitates and enhances industry and international engagement.
  • Investment cases describe the intended impact and reflect the resources and governance needed to develop and manage world-class research infrastructure capability. These include the equipment, processes, data, skills and knowledge needed to deliver maximum value.
  • Investment encourages and leverages opportunities for co-investment from states and territories, university, public and private sectors.
  • Investment supports the development of a cohesive suite of NRI that strives to create an ecosystem of seamless services for researchers.

The NDRI Working Group has hosted a series of targeted discussions. Refer to the NDRI Targeted Discussion page for further information.

The NDRI Working Group and the department are pleased to share the summaries from the NDRI Investment Plan Consultation Survey. Please refer to the links below for summaries of each survey question, grouped according to topic.

The NDRI Working Group will be seeking feedback from the research community on key aspects of Australia’s existing and potential NDRI system, and what is needed to implement the NDRI Strategy. This page will be updated as new opportunities arise.