We provide free business support to Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) grant recipients to help them review and improve their financial viability and sustainability.
This opportunity is closed.
About business support
CCCF business support is a free business review and advice service. When available, eligibility is for CCCF grant recipients.
Support is delivered through business advisors. They work with a service to help identify ways to improve financial viability and sustainability.
Examples of support that has been delivered include helping to:
- implement sound business practices
- identify cost drivers and potential savings
- transition to a more appropriate business model and/or service delivery model.
In the most recent tranche of support, the department engaged BDO Services Pty Ltd (BDO) to deliver business support.
To be eligible for business support, you must be a recipient of one of the following CCCF grants:
- special circumstances
- disadvantaged and vulnerable communities
- limited supply
- restricted services
- restricted expansion.
Business support will be targeted based on need.
How to apply
Applications for CCCF business support closed on 30 September 2024.
There are currently no opportunities to access this support, but this page will be updated in future if that changes.
Any questions about business support can be directed to CCCFbusinesssupport@education.gov.au
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