Working with other agencies

We work with other agencies to keep the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) fair. This includes sharing intelligence and information, exchanging data, and engaging in joint taskforces and programs to ensure providers and services comply with obligations under Family Assistance Law (FAL).

We work with other agencies, like the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and law enforcement, to deal with suspected:

  • non-compliance
  • collusion
  • fraud
  • criminal activities.

When we collaborate with these agencies, we:

  • exchange data
  • share intelligence and information
  • engage in joint activities
  • share referrals, tip-offs and compliance outcomes.

Government Payments Program

We also participate in the ATO’s Government Payments Program. The program ensures service providers getting government payments are meeting their tax and superannuation obligations.

Learn more about the Government Payments Program on the ATO website

Fraud Fusion Taskforce

We are part of the Fraud Fusion Taskforce (FFT). The FFT is a multi-agency partnership working to prevent and detect fraud and criminal activity, including serious and organised crime.

FFT aims to:

  • improve how government agencies work together
  • strengthen and improve government payment systems
  • protect program and payment integrity through skills and knowledge development.

The FFT was established in November 2022. It’s led by Services Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency and includes, but is not limited to:

Learn more about the Fraud Fusion Taskforce on the Services Australia website

Joint Compliance and Monitoring Program

The Joint Compliance and Monitoring Program provides compliance and monitoring activities to target early childhood providers at risk of misusing government funding.

Read about the Joint Compliance and Monitoring Program