Early childhood education and care laws

Family Assistance Law (FAL) sets the rules for providers that administer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). The National Law and National Regulations outline the legal obligations of approved providers, nominated supervisors, and educators.

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Family Assistance Law

FAL set the rules for administering CCS. FAL is a collective term that covers the following legislation.

Providers that administer CCS must comply with FAL to maintain CCS approval. Providers and services must perform specific tasks to administer CCS payments.

How to administer Child Care Subsidy

National Law and Regulations

The National Law sets a standard for early childhood education and care across Australia. The National Regulations outline operational requirements for services.

You must also comply with the National Law and Regulations. The National Law and Regulations are administered by regulatory authorities in each state and territory.

For further information on the National Quality Framework, contact your local regulatory authority.

Online learning

Complete the Overview of Family Assistance Law and National Law course in Geccko to learn more.

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