Temporary financial hardship

Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) temporary financial hardship gives families experiencing significant financial stress extra help with the cost of child care. It is a short-term payment.


The temporary financial hardship subsidy is for families who:

  • are eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
  • are experiencing temporary financial hardship due to an event in the last six months
  • have a substantially reduced ability to pay child care fees.

The following events are considered temporary financial hardship events:

  • death of a partner or child
  • unexpected loss of employment (not including resignation or retirement)
  • loss of income or business failure due to circumstances outside of the individual’s control
  • loss of child support due to the death of a paying parent
  • the individual, or their partner, has been adversely affected by a major disaster
  • destruction of, or severe damage to, the individual, or their partner’s, home
  • having to leave home because of an extreme circumstance
  • being affected by domestic or family violence, and the family member responsible leaves, or is removed from the home.

Subsidy amount

Eligible families won’t have to meet activity test requirements. This means they can access up to 100 hours of subsidised child care per fortnight.

They’ll get the lower of either:

  • 100% of the fee charged where it’s equal to or below the hourly rate cap
  • up to 120% of the hourly rate cap where the fee charged is above the hourly rate cap.

The full cost of child care is usually covered.

The subsidy is paid directly to approved providers.

Time limits

The temporary financial hardship subsidy is paid for a maximum of 13 weeks per event.

How to apply

Families can apply through their Centrelink online account or by visiting a Centrelink office.

Families will need supporting documents when applying.

Families can find more information on the Services Australia website.