In March 2023, the department commissioned an independent external review of the In Home Care (IHC) program. In November 2023, we published the final report.
In home care
On this page:
About the program
In Home Care provides access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) for families that cannot access other ECEC services because they:
- are geographically isolated
- work non-standard hours
- have complex and challenging needs.
About the 2023 review
In 2023, we commissioned an independent external review of IHC. The review’s aims were to examine:
- access
- affordability
- quality
- future program arrangements.
Stakeholders across the IHC sector were consulted for the review.
In November 2023, we published the final report on this website.
The report found that IHC partially met its objective.
However, the report stated the program was hampered by workforce shortages, affordability, and access issues. It recommended the program is tailored to serve the three cohorts it seeks to serve.
The report:
- made 16 findings across 4 themes
- identified 14 key opportunities across 5 focus areas.
Findings will feed into the:
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission inquiry into ECEC prices
- Productivity Commission review into ECEC system.
Read the 2023 IHC review final report
About the 2022 review
An evaluation in 2022 found the program was operating as intended.
It noted workforce, affordability for families, and service viability as challenges.
Read the 2022 IHC review report on the Australian Institute of Family Studies website