Child wellbeing

Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) child wellbeing provides help with the cost of early childhood education and care. It’s for families who care for a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect. 

On this page:

Providers play an important role in connecting families to ACCS child wellbeing. Families cannot apply themselves.

Your role as a provider includes:

  • identifying children at risk of serious abuse or neglect
  • talking to families about support options
  • applying for the child wellbeing subsidy on behalf of eligible families
  • notifying appropriate support agencies
  • following any mandatory reporting obligations in your jurisdiction.

The following pages are designed to guide you through the process of administering ACCS child wellbeing.

If you have questions, you can contact the Child Care Subsidy Provider Helpdesk by email at

Families can find out more about ACCS on the Services Australia website. Families who think they may be eligible for ACCS child wellbeing should speak to their provider.