After you apply

After you submit your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approval application, it will undergo a rigorous assessment process. This page outlines what you need to know while you wait for an assessment decision and what to do when you receive a decision.

Your application enters a queue

Assessment does not start automatically. After you submit your application, it is queued for processing.

We endeavour to process applications as quickly as possible, however we cannot give an estimated assessment timeframe.

We’ll check your application

When we reach your application, we’ll do a completeness check. We’ll make sure you’ve included all the mandatory information. We can’t assess your application until you provide us with everything we need.

We’ll send you an email if we need more information. We’ll use the email address you gave us in your application.

Please check your email regularly.

If you don’t provide the missing information when we request it, your application will be rejected. You’ll need to apply again.

We’ll assess your application

Once we have confirmed your application is complete, we’ll begin a rigorous assessment process.

We receive a high volume of applications and assessment times vary depending on the circumstances of the application.

We may ask you for clarification or additional evidence throughout this process. We’ll send you an email if we need more information.

As part of our assessment, we check that a provider and its key personnel can demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to Family Assistance Law. An online written assessment may be used where an applicant has not sufficiently demonstrated this in their application. Where appropriate we'll invite the relevant personnel to take part.

Operating while you await an outcome

Approval is not automatic. It can only be granted after we carefully assess your application.

Submitting your application as early as possible allows time for assessment but you should not assume that your application will be finalised before your proposed service start date.

It’s up to you whether to operate before you know the outcome of your application. Please understand the business and financial risks if you choose to operate before you’re approved.

Operating before you’re approved for CCS

If we approve your application, we can backdate CCS payments to the day your service commenced operating, provided this is on or after you submitted your application and the start date of your National Law approval.

If we refuse your application, we won’t make any CCS payments.

If we refuse your application because you don’t meet fit and proper requirements, you must wait 18 months before reapplying. This is known as the application exclusion period.

Charging fees before you’re approved for CCS

We strongly recommend that you do not charge fees based on estimated CCS entitlements before you know the outcome of your application. You should also advise families that your service is not yet CCS approved.

We’ll notify you of our decision

We’ll send you an email with our decision when the assessment is complete.

If approved, we’ll send you an Approval Notice. It will include information to help you get started. Importantly, it will contain your CCS provider ID. You’ll need this to set up your software.

If you’re not approved, we’ll send you a Refusal Notice outlining the reasons for the decision. It will also explain how to request a review if you do not agree with the decision.

If you’re approved

Once approved, there are important steps you’ll need to take so you can start administering CCS.

Time limits

If you are granted CCS approval, you must provide care within 3 months of being approved. Additionally, if you do not provide care for a period of 3 months at any time while approved, your approval will be cancelled.

For advice about time limits on National Law approval, contact your state or territory regulatory authority.

Get started in the Child Care Subsidy System

The Child Care Subsidy System (CCSS) is the online system we use to administer CCS payments.

There are 2 ways to access the CCSS. You can:

  • use the Provider Entry Point (PEP) via your PRODA account, or
  • use an approved third-party software.

Most providers use third-party software for the business features they provide, like:

  • rostering
  • room management
  • invoicing
  • vacancy management
  • payroll.

View a list of approved third-party software.

If you decide to use a third-party software, you’ll need to link it to the CCSS. For help, see a task card on linking your third-party software to the CCSS.

Check your provider and service details

Check that all your services are linked to your provider record in the CCSS.

Check details such as phone numbers and addresses and update if needed. Some details can only be updated by a person with management or control of the provider (PMC).

You are required by law to keep these details up to date once approved.

Ensure all required people are linked to the provider and service record

You must ensure the following people are linked to the provider and service records in the CCSS:

You will have specified these people in your application. You’ll need their individual PRODA Registration Authority (RA) number to link them in the CCSS.

If using the PEP, see a task card on how to link individuals.

If using third-party software, contact your software provider for help linking individuals.

You are required by law to keep the details of these people up to date once approved.

Enrol children

All children who attend early childhood education and care must be enrolled. You must enrol children correctly so families can get Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments.

Learn more about enrolling children.

Submit session reports

You must submit accurate session reports on time. Services Australia uses session reports to calculate and process CCS payments.

Learn more about submitting session reports.

Understand your obligations

As an approved provider, you must ensure you, your services, relevant staff and educators comply with the rules under Family Assistance Law.

The provider obligations page also has useful information, including a comprehensive list of key responsibilities, tasks and timeframes.

We may take compliance action if you fail to meet your obligations. Compliance action could include:  

  • putting conditions on your approval
  • issuing an infringement notice
  • suspending or cancelling your approval. 

Stay connected

The CCS Provider Helpdesk is for providers and services seeking answers.

Call 1300 667 276 Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (AEDT) or email the helpdesk anytime at

We send a weekly newsletter to the early childhood sector. We also send targeted emails during times of emergency. Our emails contain important information for approved providers and services.

You’ll get our emails if your contact details are listed in the CCSS. You can update these details via the PEP or your third-party software. Alternatively, anyone can subscribe to our newsletter.

The Child Care Subsidy approved providers and services Facebook group is a place for providers and services to get information about the Child Care Subsidy, Family Assistance Law and other Australian Government-led early childhood education and care policies and programs.

Next step

Let us know if you’re opening, closing or relocating a service