External information on international students studying in Australia or in other countries is available below.
On this page:
Student visa grants in Australia, Canada, UK, and USA
The COVID-19 pandemic influenced a decline in student visa grants in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA between 2019 and 2020.
Time series of student visa grants since 2019 in these four countries are provided below.
Month | 2019 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Jan | 37006 | 25529 | 44087 | 33819 |
Feb | 33790 | 25309 | 42034 | 26138 |
Mar | 29791 | 21682 | 40263 | 18223 |
Apr | 24181 | 17565 | 30980 | 18693 |
May | 32131 | 27613 | 46516 | 20810 |
Jun | 34150 | 31848 | 49366 | 42025 |
Jul | 34438 | 35093 | 37449 | 30750 |
Aug | 29234 | 33499 | 29963 | 24090 |
Sep | 25493 | 21119 | 21111 | 20518 |
Oct | 27312 | 22775 | 23747 | 22435 |
Nov | 27595 | 53353 | 31294 | 32604 |
Dec | 26767 | 77257 | 24901 | 28661 |
Month | 2019 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Jan | 28885 | 38090 | 40900 | 51455 |
Feb | 15535 | 24795 | 22125 | 29025 |
Mar | 20060 | 25330 | 27780 | 41845 |
Apr | 31970 | 44235 | 75270 | 65480 |
May | 27745 | 34590 | 34395 | 30740 |
Jun | 23700 | 32305 | 38875 | 29420 |
Jul | 32450 | 36310 | 53510 | 34725 |
Aug | 112325 | 125735 | 178020 | 96905 |
Sep | 43575 | 64605 | 68795 | 46605 |
Oct | 14875 | 24280 | 25500 | 32020 |
Nov | 12500 | 22980 | 29095 | 28470 |
Dec | 49520 | 95545 | 108715 |
Month | 2019 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Mar Qtr | 230181 | 393000 | 476423 | 446099 |
Jun Qtr | 239271 | 405779 | 498068 | 432225 |
Sep Qtr | 261512 | 476389 | 485283 | 392969 |
Dec Qtr | 268674 | 485758 | 456748 |
Month | 2019 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Jan | 18248 | 14495 | 15545 | 17305 |
Feb | 7098 | 7687 | 7046 | 7552 |
Mar | 9003 | 9147 | 10116 | 10162 |
Apr | 14858 | 13547 | 24992 | 20486 |
May | 47591 | 37939 | 44090 | 58795 |
Jun | 79983 | 93522 | 106646 | 89118 |
Jul | 87544 | 95879 | 102193 | 83774 |
Aug | 44807 | 56666 | 56977 | 39676 |
Sep | 9038 | 10147 | 9352 | 9629 |
Oct | 8443 | 8874 | 9051 | 10170 |
Nov | 14547 | 24243 | 19072 | |
Dec | 31306 | 42237 | 43558 |
External sources by country
Department of Education
The Department of Education manages the Higher Education Statistics Collection which provides data relating to domestic and international students studying in Australian higher education institutions.
Department of Home Affairs
The Department of Home Affairs publishes quarterly and annual reports which provide data about Australia's Student Visa Program. These reports incorporate data on student visa applications lodged and student visas granted.
Student Visa Statistics (Pivot Tables)
These pivot tables provide data on student visa applications lodged and student visas granted in the current and previous financial year.
Temporary Entrants in Australia (Stock Data) Statistics
The Department of Home Affairs publishes quarterly reports on the number and composition of temporary entrants and New Zealand citizens present in Australia at a particular date, including student visa holders.
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
NCVER is an independent body responsible for collecting, managing and analysing national VET statistics and survey data that cover both domestic and international students studying in Australian public VET institutions.
English Australia
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
English Australia is the national peak body for the ELICOS sector and publishes data on international ELICOS students in Australia on student visas and other visa types.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Temporary Residents: Study Permit Holders – Monthly IRCC Updates
Study permit holders by country of citizenship and year in which the permit(s) became effective.
New Zealand
Education Counts
International students in New Zealand
Education Counts is an official government source of information about international students studying in NZ. It includes international students’ progression through the New Zealand education system, their academic achievement, support provided for international students and international students’ experiences in New Zealand. It also includes information of graduate employment outcomes and graduates ongoing links to New Zealand as alumni.
Education New Zealand (ENZ)
ENZ is the lead government agency for the promotion and representation of New Zealand education. The IntelliLab is a comprehensive information resource on international students studying at higher education institutions in New Zealand.
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
Higher Education institutions data
HESA is the official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the UK, including domestic and international students at higher education institutions.
Home Office of the United Kingdom
Immigration statistics quarterly release
The Home Office publishes quarterly and annual statistics relating to the issuances of visas to individuals intending on studying in the UK.
UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
Latest international annual data
UKCISA serves the interests of international students and all who work with them in universities, colleges and students' unions and collates research and statistics from a variety of sources.
Institute for International Education (IIE)
IIE provides a comprehensive information resource on international students studying at higher education institutions in the United States, and US students studying abroad for academic credit at their home institutions.
U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs
Monthly Non-immigrant Visa Issuance Statistics
The Bureau of Consular Affairs publishes monthly statistics relating to the issuances of visas to individuals intending on studying in the USA.
UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
UIS’s online data centre gives access to data and tools to build customised statistical tables.
Education at a Glance
On 10 September 2024, the OECD released Education at a Glance 2024, a report that highlights Australia’s performance in educational delivery and outcomes in comparison with other 37 OECD member countries and some partner countries. It covers early childhood education, school, vocational education and training and higher education. This year’s report focuses on the equity theme. The report shows that Australia’s education system performed well compared with other OECD countries with high levels of educational access, participation and attainment that deliver strong employment and earnings advantages for individuals.
Australia country note (see Country notes section)
The Australia Country Note provides an overview of the key characteristics of the education system in Australia. It draws on data from Education at a Glance 2024 report.
A new database of statistics developed by OECD, including the indicators published in Education at a Glance.
Education Policy Outlook
The OECD publishes an Education Policy Outlook each year which monitors the evolution of policy priorities and policy developments across OECD participants worldwide. This includes a comparative analysis and highlights best practice examples together with what can be improved over time.
OECD Education Policy Outlook – Country Profile: Australia 2023
The OECD also publish Education Policy Outlook country profiles which review a selected country’s education system and examine its challenges and policy responses according to six policy levers.
OECD Education Policy Outlook – Country Profile: Australia 2013
Australia participated in the inaugural suite of Education Policy Outlook country profiles in 2013.
Project Atlas
Project Atlas collects and reports accurate, timely and comprehensive data on global student mobility.