International enrolment and commencement numbers for students studying on a student visa can be interrogated by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Statistical Geographic Standard (ASGS) Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) region.
On this page:
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Considerations for interpreting this data
- Enrolments and commencements are for international students studying on a student visa.
- Enrolments and commencements are a cumulative count for the calendar year.
- Enrolment counts less than five are shown as <5.
- Further information is available in the explanatory notes for data relating to international students studying in Australia.
Handy hints
- Hovering over an area will display the SA4 name and some statistics for the area.
- Selecting a SA4 region will display more detailed graphs for the SA4 region below the graph.
- Selecting individual bars on the column chart will display bar graphs for the selected measure (enrolment or commencement), and the selected measure period.
- If no cell data is available for the chosen category, no filtering will be performed.
Department of Education, PRISMS
International student enrolment and commencement data by ABS SA4
This page provides international enrolments and commencements by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Statistical Geographic Standard (ASGS) Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) region by state and sector.