4. Grandfathered students

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The definition of “grandfathered student” is set out in subclauses 1(1), (1C), (1CA) and (1D) of Schedule 1 to HESA.

4.1 - When is a student grandfathered?

A person is a grandfathered student if:

  1. any of the following apply in relation to the person:
    1. the person commenced a course of study (the ongoing course) with a higher education provider before 1 January 2021 but has not completed the ongoing course immediately before that day
    2. the person commenced a course of study (the ongoing course) with a higher education provider before 1 January 2021 and, on or after that day, the person completes the ongoing course and commences another course of study (the honours course) that relates to the ongoing course and that is leading to a higher education award that is an honours degree
    3. the person completed a course of study (the earlier course) with a higher education provider before 1 January 2021 and, on or after that day, the person commences another course of study (the honours course) that relates to the earlier course and that is leading to a higher education award that is an honours degree
    4. the person was undertaking, in 2020, an enabling course and, on or after 1 January 2021, the person commences another course of study (the later course) that is leading to a higher education award, or
    5. the person was undertaking, in 2020, a course of study (the UC course) leading to a higher education award that is an undergraduate certificate and, on or after
      1 January 2021, the person commences another course of study (the higher qualification course) that relates to the UC course and that is leading to a higher education award that is a bachelor degree; and
  2. the person was, at any time before 1 January 2021, a Commonwealth supported student in relation to a unit of study in the ongoing course, the earlier course, enabling course or UC course (as the case may be); and
  3. the person undertakes a unit of study as part of the ongoing course, honours course, later course or higher qualification course (as the case may be) that has a census date that is on or after 1 January 2021
  4. the person commenced an undergraduate course of study prior to 1 January 2021 and did not complete it before 1 January 2021. They then completed their studies after 1 January 2021 and subsequently enrolled in a course of study leading to an Honours degree."

The definition of a “course of study” is provided in [part 6].


If a student enrolled in a Commonwealth supported place in 2010 and then wishes to return to the same course of study in 2021, is the student grandfathered?

If a student commenced a course of study prior to 2021 and was Commonwealth supported in relation to that course of study (i.e. the student completed at least one unit in which they were Commonwealth supported), then, if the student reapplies to study at the university in the same course of study after a period of non-study (on approved leave), they will likely be grandfathered.

Can a student complete their earlier course at one provider before 1 January 2021 and then enrol in a related honours course after this date, at another provider, and still be considered grandfathered?

Grandfathering applies if the student completed the earlier course with a higher education provider before 1 January 2021, was Commonwealth supported in relation to the earlier course, and commences an honours course that relates to the earlier course of study (i.e. enrols in a unit of study in the related honours course on or after 1 January 2021). As long as the new provider recognises the earlier course for the purposes of enrolment in the honours course, it is likely to be a related course.

How is “related course” defined?

The term “related course” is used in relation to both honours degrees and undergraduate certificates for the purposes of the definition of ‘grandfathered student’; however, this term is not defined in HESA.

For a course to be a “related course”, there needs to be some connection/pathway in terms of subject matter between the former and latter qualifications. For instance:

  • generally, a student is eligible to do honours in a particular discipline following successful completion of a bachelor degree in that discipline (the related discipline)
  • for an undergraduate certificate qualification to count towards their bachelor, the former should count towards the latter 

If a student was enrolled in a course of study pre-2021 but had not completed any subjects before 2021 as they are on an approved leave of study, are they eligible for grandfathering rates?

For grandfathering to apply to students who have been enrolled in a course of study prior to 2021 and have been on approved leave, they must have been Commonwealth supported in relation to that course of study i.e. the student must have been enrolled in a unit as part of that course as a Commonwealth supported student and passed a census date for that unit before 1 January 2021.

4.2 - When is a student not grandfathered?

Grandfathering does not apply if students are transferring to a different course of study that does not satisfy any of the limbs of the definition related to ongoing courses, honours courses, enabling courses or UC courses as set out in the definition of “grandfathered student” in subclause 1(1) of Schedule 1 to HESA. Therefore, a student is not grandfathered if the student transfers to a different course of study that is a graduate certificate, masters degree, advanced studies course or diploma.


If a student is transferring in 2021 from a double degree (e.g. Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Arts) to another double degree (e.g. Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Communication) that has one similar course of study component, is this student grandfathered?

The student will not be grandfathered because the student would be considered to have changed courses, as they are not remaining in the “ongoing course”. The double degrees with a similar course component are considered different courses of study.

If a student transfers from a double degree (e.g. Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts) to a single degree (e.g. Bachelor of Business) in 2021, is this student grandfathered?

The student will not be grandfathered as it appears that this student would be changing courses of study [part 6].

If a student transfers in 2021 from a single degree (e.g. Bachelor of Business) to a double degree (e.g. Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts) in 2021, is this student grandfathered?

The student will not be grandfathered as it appears that this student would be changing courses of study [part 6].

If a student transfers from a provider to another provider into the same course (e.g. Bachelor of Business) in 2021, is this student grandfathered?

The student will not be grandfathered as courses offered by different providers are considered to be different courses of study [part 6].