Research and resources for parents

Resources are available to support parents who want to help their children with their learning.


There is strong evidence that parent engagement helps improve the academic achievement of students of all ages. Robust research also links parent engagement to better outcomes in early literacy, school readiness, student attendance, motivation, self-regulatory behaviour, social skills, retention and graduation.


Resources and links

More information on parent engagement and partnerships in different contexts is available from the resources and links webpage. Various materials, including videos and case studies, are available to support and inform parent engagement strategies in schools and communities.

Reference list

The Family–School Partnerships Framework materials are informed by research from a wide variety of sources. A list of references and other supporting research provide more information.

Case studies—Our Stories

A series of Australian case studies has been developed to illustrate aspects of the revised Family–School Partnerships Framework.

These show how partnerships between families, schools, and communities can engage and affect students, their families, and school communities.