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Explaining the Disability Standards for Education
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This English language guide explains the Disability Standards for Education 2005. It is for students with disability and their parents and carers. The resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers.
Advocating with and for your child: A workbook for parents and carers
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This resource is for parents and caregivers of primary school students. It helps readers to plan and set up reasonable adjustments with and for their child.
Advocating with and for your child: A workbook for parents and carers
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This resource is for parents and caregivers of primary school students. It helps readers to plan and set up reasonable adjustments with and for their child.
Milestones and transitions
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This English language toolkit explains the Disability Standards for Education 2005. It is for students with disability and their parents and carers. The resource was co-designed by students with disability and their parents and caregivers.
Terms and Conditions for public submissions
The Department of Education can seek public comment for feedback on a particular topic or program.
Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education
In 2017, the Australian Government commissioned an Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education (IRRRRE).
Higher Education Policy changes - Provider FAQs
Information about how these changes to higher education policy settings affect universities and private higher education providers.
The answers to the below Provider FAQs are subject to the passage of legislation.
Review of the impact of the TEQSA Act on the higher education sector
A review of the Impact of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 on the higher education sector was completed in March 2017.
Public Consultation on Draft Admissions Transparency Implementation Plan
The Admissions Transparency Implementation Working Group (IWG) released a draft implementation plan for public consultation.
Selected Higher Education Statistics – 2019 Student data
The Higher Education student data collection encompasses enrolments, equivalent full time student load (unit of study data) and completions, and is reported by all Higher Education Providers.
Legal services annual expenditure - former Departments
Paragraph 11.1 (ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017 requires that, by 30 October each year agencies make publicly available records of the legal services expenditure for the previous financial year.
Direct Measure of Income Refinement Working Group
The Direct Measure of Income (DMI) Refinement Working Group (Working Group) was established to provide advice on how new data could be used to explore possible refinements to the DMI methodology.
Streamlining Early Childhood Education and Care Approval Processes Across Jurisdictions Consultation Regulation Impact Statement
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Organisations and individuals with an interest in streamlining the approval process are invited to review the options outlined in the Streamlining Early Childhood Education and Care Approval Processes Across Jurisdictions Consultation Regulation I
Completing Higher Education
In 2019 The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook a research project on the factors affecting the completion of higher education study.