Programs and initiatives
We are working on a range of policy initiatives, programs and campaigns to help Australians from all walks of life.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Higher Education
- Access and Participation Higher Education
- Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education Higher Education
- Anti-Bullying Rapid Review Schooling
- Australian Curriculum Schooling
- Australian Education Act 2013 Schooling
- Australian Strategy for International Education 2021‑2030 International Education
- Australian Universities Accord Higher Education
- Australia’s Economic Accelerator Higher Education
- Closing the Gap Early Childhood | Schooling
- Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program Schooling
- Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships Schooling | National Teacher Workforce Action Plan
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Early Childhood | Schooling | Higher Education | International Education
- Council for International Education International Education
- Data and research for schooling Schooling
- Destination Australia International Education
- Destination Australia Cheung Kong Exchange Program Higher Education | International Education
- Disability Standards for Education 2005 Early Childhood | Schooling | Higher Education | International Education
- Early Childhood Early Childhood
- Education Funding System Project Schooling | Higher Education
- Education Ministers Meeting Early Childhood | Schooling | Higher Education | International Education
- Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework International Education
- Engaged Classrooms: Supporting all students to achieve Schooling
- English Language Learning for Indigenous Children (ELLIC) Trial Schooling
- HELP debt reduction and repayment estimators Higher Education
- Higher Education Disability Support Program Higher Education
- Higher Education Funding Higher Education
- Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) Higher Education
- Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) Higher Education
- Higher Education provider updates Higher Education
- Higher Education Publications Higher Education
- Higher Education Research Commercialisation Intellectual Property Framework Higher Education
- Higher Education Research Promotion (HERP) scheme Higher Education
- Higher Education reviews and consultations Higher Education
- Higher Education Statistics Higher Education
- Indigenous Education Schooling
- Integrated Data Research Early Childhood | Schooling | Higher Education | International Education
- International Education Data and Research International Education
- International education engagement International Education
- International Engagement International Education
- Job-ready Graduates Package Higher Education
- MicroCred Seeker (Microcredentials Marketplace) Higher Education
- Microcredentials Pilot in Higher Education Higher Education
- National Assessment Program Schooling
- National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) Higher Education | National Research Infrastructure
- National Industry PhD Program Higher Education
- National Research Infrastructure Higher Education
- National School Resourcing Board Schooling
- National Skills Passport Consultation Higher Education
- National Student Ombudsman Higher Education
- National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP) Schooling
- National Teacher Workforce Action Plan Schooling | Teaching and School Leadership
- Other Commonwealth funding for schools Schooling
- PRISMS Modernisation Project International Education
- Quality and Legislative Frameworks Higher Education | International Education
- Quality Initial Teacher Education Review Schooling
- Recurrent funding for schools Schooling
- Regional Education Commissioner Early Childhood | Schooling | Higher Education | Job-ready Graduates Package
- Regional Partnerships Project Pool Program Higher Education
- Regional Research Collaboration Program Higher Education
- Regional University Study Hubs Higher Education
- Research - schooling Schooling
- Research Block Grants Higher Education
- Research Translation and Commercialisation Agenda Higher Education
- Review of Australia's Research Training System Higher Education
- Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements Higher Education
- Review to Inform a Better and Fairer Education System Recurrent funding for schools
- Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships program Higher Education
- School funding Schooling
- Schools Upgrade Fund Schooling | School funding
- Securing Australia’s Mathematical Workforce Higher Education
- Strategic University Reform Fund Higher Education
- Student Resilience and Wellbeing Schooling
- Students with disability Schooling
- Suburban University Study Hubs Higher Education
- Support for Students Policy Higher Education
- Supporting Family-School-Community Partnerships for Learning Schooling
- Supporting more women into STEM careers Higher Education
- Teaching and School Leadership Schooling
- Tertiary Access Payment Higher Education
- The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration Schooling
- The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) Higher Education
- Trailblazer Universities Program Higher Education | Research Translation and Commercialisation Agenda
- Transferring Student Data Interstate Schooling | Education Ministers Meeting
- Tuition Protection Review Higher Education | International Education
- Tuition Protection Service Higher Education | International Education
- Unique Student Identifier (USI) Schooling | Higher Education | International Education
- Women in STEM Cadetships and Advanced Apprenticeships Higher Education