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Schools Upgrade Fund
The Schools Upgrade Fund provides more equitable access to resources to support schools to help keep students and school staff safe, and get students’ education back on track after disruptions caused by COVID-19.
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
The Australian Government has proposed changes to the indexation amounts that apply to your HELP student loan from 2023 onwards.
Higher Education Statistics
The Department of Education Research Division Analysis and Data Division is responsible for the collection and dissemination of statistics relating to the provision of higher education at all Australian institutions.
Quality and Legislative Frameworks
Australia's quality and legislative frameworks in higher education enhance and the quality and reputation of our higher education sector.
Higher Education reviews and consultations
Higher education policy is subject to regular reviews and consultation with industry. This ensures that policy is being reviewed and improved.
Review of Australia's Research Training System
A highly skilled research workforce is vital to Australia’s future prosperity.
Integrated Data Research
The Integrated Data Analytics section provides high quality, policy relevant and responsive integrated data analyses to support a broad range of policy areas.
International education engagement
Internationally, the department provides policy leadership and coordination across all levels of government for education-related matters.
Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework
ESOS legislation makes sure training providers meet nationally consistent standards in education delivery, facilities and services, and provides tuition fee protection for international students.
Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum provides schools, teachers, parents and students a clear understanding of what students should learn. This curriculum applies no matter where a student lives or what school system they're in.
Data and research for schooling
School data and research helps improve education policies and programs across Australia. Find the key national data collections and where to go for more information.
Indigenous Education
The Australian Government is committed to achieving better results for Indigenous Australians and is working with states and territories to ensure mainstream schools policy and programs contribute to improvements in outcomes for all students.
Supporting Family-School-Community Partnerships for Learning
Parents, families, and carers are a child's first and most important teachers. When families and schools work together children’s learning is enhanced.
Research - schooling
Research on schools helps plan a better future for schools across Australia by reviewing and informing policy. Here you can find publicly available research reports.
Student Resilience and Wellbeing
Schools play a vital role in supporting the wellbeing of students. Student resilience, both emotionally and academically, is essential for young Australians' development.