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Development of University Foreign Interference Taskforce - media release
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On 28 August 2019, Minister for Education Dan Tehan, announced the government is establishing a University Foreign Interference Taskforce to provide better protection for universities against foreign interference.
Queensland floods: 14 new LGAs added and CCS period of emergency extended
We’ve added 14 new local government areas (LGAs) to the declared Child Care Subsidy (CCS) period of emergency in parts of Queensland due to the impact of flooding.We have also extended the period of emergency.
International student monthly summary and data tables
International student data is published monthly, giving the latest available data on students studying on a student visa.
2023 Section 16 - Equity Performance Data
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Higher education equity performance tables for 2023 full year.
Department of Education Employer Statement 2025
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The Department of Education Employer Statement sets out our ongoing commitment to gender equality in line with the department’s Equity and Diversity Strategy 2024-25 and our progress on the Gender Equality Indicators established by the Workplace G
Ministerial briefings regarding foreign interference at universities
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Briefings provided to the Minister for Education regarding foreign interference at universities dated between 1 January 2024 to 22 January 2025.
International student monthly summary
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Use the report to explore different views of data on enrolments, commencements and student numbers by month, year, education sector, source country and state/territory.
Review of the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) Program 2011
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RMIT University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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RMIT University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
Southern Cross University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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Southern Cross University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
Australian Catholic University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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Australian Catholic University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
The University of Adelaide Access and Participation Plan 2020
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The University of Adelaide: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
Griffith University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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Griffith University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
James Cook University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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James Cook University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
La Trobe University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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La Trobe University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
The University of Melbourne Access and Participation Plan 2020
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The University of Melbourne: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
University of Newcastle Access and Participation Plan 2020
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University of Newcastle: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
Queensland University of Technology Access and Participation Plan 2020
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Queensland University of Technology: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
Swinburne University of Technology Access and Participation Plan 2020
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Swinburne University of Technology: 2020 Access and Participation Plan
The Australian National University Access and Participation Plan 2020
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The Australian National University: 2020 Access and Participation Plan