The Australian Government is introducing demand-driven Needs-based Funding (NBF) from 1 January 2026 (further details can be found in the NBF Factsheet). NBF will be supported by a reformed HEPPP, focusing on outreach and aspiration initiatives to enhance access to higher education. For 2025, HEPPP will continue to operate under the current guidelines. Further information will be available soon, watch this space for updates.
The Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) provides funding to universities listed in Table A of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to implement outreach strategies that improve access to undergraduate courses and other support to improve participation, retention and completion rates for students who:
- live in regional and remote Australia
- are from low socioeconomic status (low SES) backgrounds
- identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Additional information on the objectives of HEPPP and the conditions applied to grants can be found in the Higher Education Support (Other Grants) Guidelines 2022 (sections 8 to 13).
Distribution of HEPPP funds:
Grants are made to eligible higher education providers each calendar year based on the provider’s respective share of domestic undergraduate students from a low SES background, students from regional and remote areas and Indigenous students.
HEPPP funding allocated to each university is outlined in the following spreadsheet:
2010-2025 HEPPP Participation Allocations
For further information on the calculation of grant amounts, see the Higher Education Support (Other Grants) Guidelines 2022 (section 12).
Student Equity in Higher Education Evaluation Framework (SEHEEF)
In response to a 2017 evaluation and stakeholder feedback about the implementation of the HEPPP, the Department engaged the Institute for Social Science Research at the University of Queensland to co-design the Student Equity in Higher Education Evaluation Framework (SEHEEF).
The SEHEEF has been co-designed with universities to effectively structure and guide three levels of evaluation:
- a national program evaluation of the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP),
- quality improvement evaluations of individual HEPPP-funded university programs and activities; and evaluations of the effectiveness, and
- impact of individual HEPPP-funded university program and activities.
View the Final Report and Guidance Manual.
The SEHEEF supports universities to evaluate Commonwealth funded equity programs and activities to build an evidence base of what works, and to ensure that lessons are learnt once and shared often.
HEPPP Before 2021
Information on HEPPP before the 2021 reform of equity funding can be found at HEPPP Before 2021.
National Priorities Pool
National Priorities Pool Program is a program under the Indigenous, Regional and Low SES Attainment Fund (IRLSAF). Prior to 2021, the National Priorities Pool was a component of the HEPPP and provided funding for projects that support the more effective implementation of HEPPP nationally and at the institutional level. Projects funded through the former National Priorities Pool can be found on the following pages:
For further information, please email