HEPPP - National Priorities Pool 2020

The Department commissioned the following project in 2020 under the National Priorities Pool. For further information about this project, please contact the relevant universities directly.

On this page:

University Project name 2018 Funding
Specified National Projects

Australian National University Widening Participation Longitudinal Study (WPLS): 2020 Scoping and Implementation Study

The WPLS will examine the factors influencing higher education participation of groups in Australia, with a focus on the impact of equity interventions that aim to enhance participation and attainment by population sub-groups who typically experience educational disadvantage.

This project will produce a scoping and implementation study for a WPLS. The WPLS may be part of a new national longitudinal Post-School Destinations Survey (PSDS) which is currently being considered under the National School Reform Agreement. The scoping study will inform a project proposal for a PSDS.
