HEPPP 2013 Partnerships Projects

The following projects were funded from the Partnerships component of the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Programme in 2013.

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UniversityProject name2013 Funding
1. Australian Catholic UniversityACUGate 2013 Plus
This project explores a suite of partnership programs including ‘Uni Step Up’, ‘Principal’s Recommendation Program’, ‘My Science’ and ‘Meet the Professor’. 
2. Australian National UniversityACT Indigenous Success (ACT-IS)
This project is a joint initiative of the Australian National University and the University of Canberra. The two components of the program are: ‘Aspiration and Achievement’ including Indigenous outreach and on campus activities, and a ‘Pathway Program’, a University pathway program for students.
3. Griffith UniversityUni-Reach Extended
This project includes extended high schools outreach, adult learner engagement, a Pacific Islander outreach strategy and a mentor program.
4. Macquarie UniversityLEAP – Learning, Education, Aspiration, Participation
This project comprises of a variety of outreach initiatives including mentoring programs, the development of a website to provide information on higher education options to low SES and rural and remote students, and STEM-focused LEAP-Learning clubs.
5. University of Southern QueenslandCareer Development Pathways and Partnerships Service
This project will establish a career development pathways and partnerships service for low SES people through outreach and career counselling, utilising Career Development Practitioners.
6. University of Technology, SydneyInspiring Science
This project develops, pilots and evaluates a five day campus holiday school professional learning program on chemistry and physics delivered to Year 11 and Year 12 students.
7. Edith Cowan UniversityEngagement, Partnerships and Outreach
This project develops partnerships across a broad range of education providers with a strong focus on outreach work with people from low SES backgrounds.
8. Flinders UniversityDeveloping Partnership Degrees 
This project will create and launch four new Flinders/TAFE ‘partnership’ degrees and deliver a sustainable model for a focused structure for low SES students to access Higher Education from VET.
9. Queensland University of TechnologySTEM-related Outreach to Low-income Schools
This project aims to stimulate interest and engagement by low SES students in STEM-related subjects at school and after, as well as general interest in tertiary study
10. University of New EnglandUNE Youth Leadership Project 
This project draws together three community engagement activities which will provide community-based leadership development, leadership activities, close engagement between all partners and culturally-aligned resources for schools and community groups to begin addressing gaps in current approaches to supporting these students, and provide policy advice on potential new approaches to fostering success for students in this target group.
11. University of SydneyWidening Participation Partnership Projects 
This project enable the University to work in partnership with The Smith Family, continue The Compass program and present a Scholarships and Industry Engagement project to support pre-tertiary students from low SES backgrounds.
12. University of the Sunshine CoastMy Tertiary Education Day 
This project encourages primary school aged children and their parents from low SES backgrounds to consider higher education opportunities through the development of an e-book.
13. University of Western SydneyDisadvantaged Community Projects 
This project encompass four elements which are: Year 7 and 8 initiatives, a Mature Student Advisor Post, Higher Education ‘taster’ packages, and a four day summer school/camp program.
14. Charles Darwin UniversityPeer Assisted Study Scheme (PASS)
This project allows for tutoring of students using online and on-campus methods by students who have previously and recently completed the same unit with excellent results
15. Charles Sturt UniversityWhat’s Uni Like? MOOC 
This project addresses academic writing and reading and raises awareness of university as a post school option and university expectations using a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
16. University of BallaratSchools Access Federation – Gippsland
This project facilitates working with 16 schools identified as disadvantaged in the Gippsland region, delivering a range of in-school and on-campus activities to overcome educational disadvantage, build capacity and increase participation in higher education
17. University of NewcastleMaking Aspirations Possible (MAPS)
This project develops and pilots an integrated learning tool which will increase the numeracy, literacy and academic skills of low SES students
18. University of South AustraliaBeyond the City 
This project provides five separate project components which will foster low SES students to continue to study STEM and assist in pre-tertiary achievement.
19. University of TasmaniaEngagement with Regional and Outer Urban Communities
This project produces a partnership with the Tasmanian State Government through the State Department of Education to inform and raise higher education aspirations for students in low SES schools.
20. University of Western AustraliaFairway UWA: Extension Project
This project provides an alternative entry pathway that addresses disadvantage for students from low SES backgrounds.
21. University of WollongongEmbedding a Whole of University Approach to Outreach
This project aims to increase representation of low SES student in higher education by means of coordinated core outreach programs.
22. Southern Cross UniversityUni-Bound Schools Outreach Program Expansion
This project deepens connections and fosters capacity building in low SES communities and schools, assist primary schools with careers resources, provide outreach to primary schools, strengthen and consolidate career education and provide academic support.
23. The University of MelbourneLow Socioeconomic Status (SES) National Indigenous Student Outreach Project
This project provides opportunities for Indigenous students from a low SES background to undertake University of Melbourne courses not available in other States and Territories through an engagement campaign and extended programs including Bachelors of Arts and Science pathways.
24. Deakin UniversityDeakin Engagement and Access Program (Project 1 - DEAP) and Warrnambool Community Partnerships Program (Project 2)
This project offers a targeted and comprehensive program of aspiration and access enhancing outreach activities (Project 1) and a cross-sectoral program spanning primary, secondary VET and higher education providers with a focus on priority industries and mentoring partnerships.
25. University of CanberraAspire UC Experience Initiatives
This project provides three key components: The ACT University Experience Camp, scholarships for students from low SES backgrounds, and the UC-4 YOURSELF University Experience Focus.
26. Victoria UniversityEarly University Pathways
This project provides four key components; Curriculum to Curriculum alignment, Teacher to Teacher collaboration, Student to Student Support and Institution to Institution agreement.
27. Central Queensland UniversityReach Out CQ
This project offers a school outreach program which involves the recruiting, training and co-ordinating current university students to participate in aspiration building and tertiary awareness initiatives.
28. Curtin UniversityAHEAD in School
This project consists of four components: AHEAD in School, AHEAD in Adult Learning, AHEAD in the community and AHEAD into University, addressing all stages in the access process.
29. James Cook UniversityCapacity Building for Higher Education
This project offers a suite of activities providing seamless and integrated pathways for low SES students to move into higher education, including advice and guidance, literacy and numeracy upskilling and mapping and integration of a preparatory and enabling program and career development.
30. La Trobe UniversitySchool Partnerships Program
The project involves activities aimed primarily at students in Years 9 – 12 to develop activities providing extra curriculum support, academic preparation and increased awareness of university courses.
31. Monash UniversityAccess Monash Mentoring
This project provides intensive support to selected students in Years 11 and 12 who aspire to university study, supporting their decision making and preparation for university and careers.
32. Swinburne University of TechnologyEnhancing Aspirations and Pathways to University Studies
This project provides two components: Project 1 will involve collaboration with the State Department of Human Services to develop an embedded higher education pathway. Project 2 will raise aspirations and enhance pathways into higher education for low SES migrant and refugee groups.
33. RMIT UniversitySNAP Partnership Project
The project supports the growth of engagement with secondary schools with high concentrations of low SES student populations to develop formal agreements, resources and peer engagement capacity.
34. University of AdelaideChildren’s University
The Children’s University is a means for younger children (7 – 15 years) from low SES and Indigenous backgrounds with low levels of participation in higher education to engage in extra-curricular learning activities and to provide older children (15 – 18) an opportunity to volunteer within the program.
35. University of New South WalesBuilding Academic Capabilities
This project provides a pilot program in two parts focussing on assisting students in developing skills and literacy that enable success in university study
36. University of QueenslandPromoting Academic Success, Retention and Transition
This project facilitates engagement with a number of initiatives aimed to build capacity in students and schools to raise aspirations for higher education and prepare students academically for success.