HEPPP 2014 Partnerships Projects

The following projects were funded from the Partnerships component of the Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Programme in 2014.

On this page:


Project name

2014 Funding

1. Griffith University

Griffith University Community Experience and Access Program This project explores Seven sub-projects for low SES groups in Griffith catchment regions. Each activity is designed to provide potential students with an experience of university to encourage aspiration and/or a pathway to university access.


2. University of Adelaide

Children’s University Australia (South Australia)
This project supports the expansion of 2013 partnership by allocation project ‘Children’s University’ to increase opportunities for younger students (7 – 15 years) from low SES backgrounds and to provide older children opportunities to volunteer within this program.


3. Australian National University

Regional Partnership Program
This project supports the ANU to partner with 10 schools in the South East Region, three schools in the Southern Tablelands and two schools in the South West Slopes to deliver a scaffolded approach that is focussed on educational enrichment through school-based programs and on campus activities relating to outreach, subject choices, understanding the application process and practical assistance.


4. Murdoch University

Murdoch University Outreach
This project encompasses three components which are:  Science Outreach (supporting and informing aspirations of students who may be interested in science and engineering); Learning for Tomorrow (a Year 12 enabling unit aimed at raising aspirations) and Unilink (focuses on needs of individuals demonstrating a willingness and capacity for university study but who require initial support to grow their aspirations and skills).


5. University of Canberra

Aspire UC Schools Outreach Project
This project involves in-school and on-campus activities for students and their families.  The in-school program is a progressive program of scaffolded activities delivered to students in Years 7-12 in the school setting by University of Canberra (UC) Widening Participation staff and Aspirations Agents, who are specially trained UC students.


6. Queensland University of Technology

STEM-related outreach to low-income schools
This project aims to achieve:  
- In-school curriculum connected, age-appropriate workshops for primary and secondary students
- Competitive ‘challenges’ and fun days
- Career-related activities to raise awareness of careers in science, technology, engineering and maths and pathways to those careers
- Teacher professional development aimed at enhancing expertise and confidence in delivering STEM-related curriculum.


7. James Cook University

Capacity Building for Higher Education in regional Schools and Communities
This project develops and delivers career and pathway information, advice, guidance and higher education preparation and enabling programs for people from low SES backgrounds with potential for entering higher education, and deliver a range of capacity building activities, focused on aspiration, awareness, achievement, affordability and access) for higher education pathways and participation.


8. University of Western Australia

UWA Great Southern Schools Project
This project consists of two components. 1) Fairway UWA is an alternative entry pathway that addresses individual disadvantage for students from low socio-economic (SES) backgrounds facing significant personal disadvantage. Fairway will support 115 students in 2014 in a structured intensive program that complements their Year 12 studies.  2) The Great Southern Schools Project will support low SES students in the Great Southern region in their decision-making about university study through personalised support and continuing engagement throughout their gap year.


9. University of Wollongong

The UOW Pathways Project
This project aims to design a series of pathways projects which will be implemented and evaluated to increase the representation of students form low SES backgrounds. The project is designed to attract and support students through their vocational education and provide a pathway opportunity for students to university upon completion of their qualification.


10. Southern Cross University

UNI-BOUND Extension Project Phase 2
This project targets primary and high school students, their school communities and families from low-socio economic and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. Phase 2 will work to continue to strengthen and deepen the equity orientation of outreach activities by enabling a broader engagement with local communities and increased capacity building and partnerships with schools and the University.


11. University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne HEPPP Partnerships Allocation Strategy
This project supports disadvantaged Australians from low SES backgrounds in educational goals and outcomes, and fosters a University community of outreach and innovation through the University’s Equity Innovation Grants Scheme, which supports program development and partnerships between university staff and students with low SES students and communities.


12. Edith Cowan University

Engagement, Partnerships, Mentoring and Outreach
This project is carried out in two phases. Phase One, the ECU Mates Mentoring Project, is a partnership and mentoring program where ECU students become ‘mates’ and mentors to high school students from low SES backgrounds. Phase Two, Engagement, Partnerships and Outreach, builds the capacity of those from low SES backgrounds to participate in higher education by developing and sustaining partnerships with a range of schools, vocational educational and training organisations and other community organisations.


13. University of Southern Queensland

Career Development for Non-OP Eligible Students
This project uses career development to provide support and guidance for a cohort of students that are typically from low socioeconomic (low SES), Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB).  To implement the project, the University works with partner schools (low SES) and families in providing pathways and options for ongoing learning opportunities for students, targeting years 10-12.


14. Central Queensland University

Engage Education
This project targets students from low SES backgrounds across Central Queensland to participate in programs to enhance awareness and understanding of post-school study options and how to successfully prepare for university.


15. University of Newcastle

AIM High
In partnership with low SES communities, this project aims to increase awareness and understanding of higher education, build aspiration and expectation to participate in higher education, provide knowledge, information and choice about pathways into higher education, increase the number of students in partner high schools who select an ATAR pathway, and increase the number of students in partner high schools who transition into higher education.


16. University of the Sunshine Coast

Building Aspiration and Pathways
This project provides curriculum enrichment and support, on-campus engagement activities, highlighting pathways to higher education, career exploration and multi-media resource development.


17. University of Queensland

Promoting Academic Success, Retention and Transition
This project facilitates engagement with a number of initiatives aimed at building capacity in students and schools to raise aspiration for higher education and prepare students academically for success.


18. Curtin University of Technology

Inclusive Access to Higher Education in the Justice System
This project facilitates effective learning engagement and retention for students from low socio economic status (LSES) backgrounds in the justice system. It also identifies barriers for prison residents in accessing and continuing higher education programs.


19. Flinders University

Adult Learners: Pathways to University
The project targets prospective domestic undergraduate students from low SES and Indigenous cohorts in the City of Marion and City of Onkaparinga local government areas. Participants undertake activities to develop their career goals, assess their learning needs and develop and implement a personalised Life Education Plan (LEP) to transition to University.


20. Australian Catholic University

ACUGate 2014 Plus
The project increases the capacity of the existing ACUgate program with partners in the school sectors and surrounding communities in Victoria, NSW, Queensland, Tasmania and Northern Territory. The project is tailored to each partner’s needs to support increased awareness, aspirations and access of low SES background (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island and regional and remote) students in their schools to Higher Education.


21. Charles Sturt University

Learning Communities
The project supports: 1) the development, implementation and evaluation of a partnership program, Learning Communities, for students in Years 5, 6 and 10, 11 and their low-SES communities in the Southern Riverina and north-east Victoria region; 2) improved understanding and awareness of higher education as a viable post-school option; and 3) prospective students and their communities in making links with higher education providers.


22. Federation University

FedUni Outreach -Western Victoria
This project supports collaboration with schools in the region to deliver a range of activities that assist students, schools and school communities to overcome educational disadvantage, build capability and increase participation in higher education. The project will continue the activities currently in place under the 2013 ‘HERAP’ project.


23. Deakin University

Deakin Engagement and Access Program (DEAP)
This project continues the development and delivery of the existing DEAP project, a comprehensive program of outreach activities targeted to students from low socio economic status (SES) backgrounds to build on educational aspiration and access.


24. RMIT University

I Belong Middle Years
This project informs aspiration for, builds awareness of, increases community engagement, and delivers leadership in low SES schools with respect to higher education.


25. University of New England

NSW Regional Study Centres and Outreach Services
This project consolidates a partnership with TAFE New England to deliver opportunities for higher education to low SES students via pathways delivered through Learning Commons student support centres.


26. University of Tasmania

CALD Student Support Strategy and Cradle Coast Pathways
This project supports the transition of the growing number of low SES refugee and students from a CALD background to UTAS, and provide transition support and pathways to degrees for low SES North West Tasmanians in a region adversely affected by industry restructuring and with a lack of jobs that fit current skill sets.


27. University of Technology, Sydney

This project aims to increase student confidence, aspiration and motivation towards higher education, improve student understanding about pathways to enable lifelong learning, including courses, university, life and career options, improve student academic preparedness and outcomes and increase student and family knowledge and awareness of the value of higher education.


28. Macquarie University

LEAP – Learning, Education, Aspiration, Participation
This project continues to expand the existing 2013 ‘LEAP - Learning, Education, Aspiration, Participation’ which comprises a variety of outreach initiatives to broaden aspirations, create possibilities and support students from low-SES backgrounds to successfully participate in higher education.


29. University of South Australia

Community Connections
This project targets low SES and Indigenous secondary school students in Years 10-12. It builds community connections with key stakeholders with the aim of providing low SES, rural and Indigenous students with a range of activities to support pre-tertiary achievement, raise awareness of career pathways and foster community capacity.


30. Swinburne University of Technology

Pre-Tertiary Achievement and Aspirations Partnership Program
The project involves five components which are Financial Modelling of Early Intervention to Overcome Disadvantage; HEPPP Social Inclusion Assessment Tool for Low SES Students; Foundation Boroondara Tertiary Aspiration Scholarship Program; Knox Innovation, Opportunity & Sustainability Centre (KIOSC) Tertiary Aspirations Scholarship Program Project; and Pathways for Migrant Students into Higher Education.


31. Charles Darwin University

CDU Aspire Programme staffing
This project is a partnership initiative between Charles Darwin University and NT secondary schools. It helps students from a diversity of backgrounds (and specifically low socio-economic status (LSES) backgrounds) to achieve their best results in secondary school and raise their aspirations to pursue tertiary study.


32. University of Sydney

Compass – your way to higher education
This project encourages students from disadvantaged schools and communities to participate in higher education, working with both primary and high school students, to build the confidence and motivation to succeed through education and make informed decisions about their post-school options.


33. Victoria University

Western Partnership Projects
These projects aims to provide a range of programs and projects in partnership with western region schools, local communities in specific regional centres and local councils with the purpose of building student aspiration and engagement with university. 


34. University of New South Wales

This project represents a multi-faceted approach to outreach, working with low SES students from metropolitan Sydney and regional NSW including Indigenous students from partner schools. The Regional ASPIRE program works with students longitudinally across every year of the school life cycle from Kindergarten to Year 12. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to interact with the university environment. The core program offers both in-school and on-campus activities.


35. Monash University

Mentoring and Outreach - Victoria
This project aims to support students’ decision making and preparation for university and careers. The FedUni Outreach – Gippsland project aims to assist students, schools and school communities to overcome educational disadvantage, build capability and increase participation in higher education.


36. University of Western Sydney

This three phase project consists of the following elements:

  1. LODESTAR. The program will link to the UWS Out of Home Care Program and help to make some inroads into the heavy under-representation in higher education. 
  2. First Foot Forward. Has the goal to create cross-generational impact in presenting higher education as a realistic ambition. 
  3. STEPS@UWS. The program will focus on students with academic ability and the potential to succeed in higher education.
