The need for increased support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: statistical analysis and some lessons from the United States

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Author: The Aurora Project, 2011

This research report was commissioned by the panel for The Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. It examines factors affecting the transition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from high school to university. It provides an overview of key student data, including how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students compare to non-Indigenous students on high school completions, university eligibility, university enrolment and university completions.  It also provides a review of the international literature on factors influencing student transition and success, and concludes with a review of academic enrichment programs in the United States. The report highlights current gaps in the provision of academic support programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Australian higher education.

Creation Date
FOI Reference
Higher education
Department of Education
Publication Category
Departmental document
English / Australian English

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