Higher Education Statistics

The Department of Education Research Division Analysis and Data Division is responsible for the collection and dissemination of statistics relating to the provision of higher education at all Australian institutions.


A comprehensive set of statistics is managed in the Higher Education Statistics Collection.

This data includes:

  • Courses provided by higher education institutions
  • Numbers and characteristics of students undertaking courses
  • Student load
  • Completion of units of study and courses
  • Student liability status
  • Numbers and characteristics of staff in higher education institutions
  • Income and expenditure for higher education institutions
  • Research activity
  • Undergraduate applications, offers and acceptances.
A man on his phone smiling

Distribution and use of data

Data in the Higher Education Statistics Collection is disseminated through:

  • Statistics publications
  • Datasets
  • Tabulations
  • Analyses prepared for clients
  • Reports

The data are widely used by:

  • Federal and State Government Departments
  • Higher education institutions
  • Peak bodies
  • Researchers
  • Individuals in the community
A girl sitting at a desk working on a laptop

Available Data

The department publishes a range of outputs for the following key data collections: