Successful applicants announced under the National Industry PhD Program

National Industry PhD Applicants Announcement

This story was first published on Monday 10 July 2023. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

The program supports PhD candidates to undertake industry-focused research projects and be equipped with the knowledge and skills to better translate university research into commercial outcomes.

Thirty-two research projects have been awarded funding including:

  • 15 Industry Linked projects
  • 17 Industry Researcher projects.

A total of 86 applications across a variety of fields of research were submitted in Round 1.

The program consists of two streams:

  • Industry Linked PhD stream: This stream is for outstanding PhD candidates to undertake research projects co-designed by university and industry, with opportunities to be embedded in an industry setting and participate in a 12-week training program.
  • Industry Researcher PhD stream: This stream is for highly capable industry professionals who are supported by their employers to undertake PhD projects in partnership with a university while retaining industry employment and salary benefits.

The program is part of a $296 million government initiative to build up research talent skilled in university-industry collaboration and harness the world-class research Australian universities are known for.

Applications are open for Round 2 of the program and close 4 August 2023. Applications need to be submitted by an Australian university. To find out how you can participate, complete the short Expression of Interest form or email

For more information, visit the National Industry PhD Program webpage.

Correct at time of publication.