Implementation consultation papers released for ATEC and Managed Growth Funding System

ATEC and Managed Growth Funding System implementation consultation papers released

This story was first published on Friday 21 June 2024. If you wish to use this content, please contact to confirm that the information is still current.

The department has released implementation consultation papers to support the establishment of an Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC) and a Managed Growth Funding System.

The Australian Universities Accord Final Report proposed improvements to current system governance arrangements to enable a dynamic, collaborative and responsive tertiary education system with the capacity and capability to drive reform.

These structural reforms aim to introduce new leadership in Australia’s tertiary education system and better support underrepresented students to participate and succeed in higher education.


As part of the 2024-25 Budget, the Government committed to establish the ATEC as a steward of the tertiary education system, to deliver funding arrangements for higher education, tertiary harmonisation, and data collection.

The ATEC will be a steward for the tertiary education system, promoting long-term strategic thinking and driving reforms over the long term.

It is intended the ATEC be established in an interim capacity from 1 July 2025, and formally established from 1 January 2026, subject to legislation.

Managed Growth Funding System

The Government has also committed to introduce a new Managed Growth Funding System for Commonwealth supported places. It is intended the new funding system will better meet student demand, maintain sustainable growth and increase opportunities for people from underrepresented backgrounds.

The system is expected to commence from 1 January 2026.

Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP said: 

“The Universities Accord sets a target that by 2050, 80 per cent of workers will have a TAFE or university qualification. 

“To hit that target we have to break down that invisible barrier that stops a lot of people from disadvantaged backgrounds getting a crack at going to university. 

“Part of that is changing how we fund universities.

“The Universities Accord is also bigger than one Budget and bigger than one term of Parliament. It’s a national project. 

“That’s why we are also establishing an Australian Tertiary Education Commission. To stay the course, to drive reform, to help us reach that nation-changing target – no matter who the Minister for Education is. 

“Targeted consultation and feedback from stakeholders across the education landscape will ensure we get the detailed design of these vital reforms right.”

A third consultation paper on Needs-Based Funding will be released shortly.

Feedback on the consultation papers can be submitted until 26 July 2024 to

To read the consultation papers, visit Post-Budget Implementation Consultation Papers.

Correct at time of publication.