27. Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)

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27.1 Application Process

Students relocating to study at a university, vocational education and training or non-university higher education provider must apply for the TAP through Services Australia.

Applications are open each calendar year and students can submit a claim for the TAP between 1 January to 31 December in their first year of tertiary study.

27.2 Eligibility Criteria

The TAP will be available for students who:

  • are from an inner regional, outer-regional, remote or very remote area (defined using the Australian Statistical Geography Standard - Remoteness Area classification)
  • are enrolled in a Certificate IV or above qualification, with duration of at least one year
  • are relocating to study at an education provider, Regional University Study Hub or Suburban University Study Hub at least 90 minutes by public transport from their family home
  • are enrolled in at least 75 per cent of a fulltime study load over a 12‑month period
  • are undertaking a qualifying tertiary education course in the year immediately following their completion of Year 12 or equivalent (or the first available semester of their chosen course if the course has a mid-year start)
  • are studying face to face, or in a dual delivery method, for at least part of the course
  • are 22 years of age or under at the time they commence their course
  • have a combined parental or guardian income of $250,000 or below in the relevant tax year or be exempt from providing parental income
  • meet the Australian citizenship or residency requirements.

27.3 Receiving the payment

The TAP is a payment made in a student’s first year of eligible tertiary study. Students will only be eligible for the TAP once.

Successful applicants from outer regional and remote areas will be paid up to $5,000 in their first year of study, with two payments, $3,000 after confirmation of enrolment i.e. following the first census date, to assist with upfront costs, and $2,000 after confirmation of ongoing enrolment i.e. following the second census date.

Successful applicants from inner regional areas will be paid a single payment of $3,000 after confirmation of enrolment in your first year of study.

27.4 Further information

Further information on the TAP is on the department’s website.

The Tertiary Access Payment Guidelines.

Application for the TAP is through Services Australia.