National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy (the Strategy) was endorsed by education ministers on 18 September 2015. Under the Strategy, education ministers have agreed to a set of principles and priorities that will inform jurisdictional approaches to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education.

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Recognising the different roles of governments, the Strategy includes actions that education ministers will take together to complement the efforts of individual jurisdictions. These actions build on existing national initiatives such as the Australian Curriculum and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to accelerate the rate of improvement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student outcomes.

The initial set of actions focus on:

  • Attendance and Engagement
  • Transition Points (including pathways to post-school options)
  • Early Childhood Transitions
  • Workforce
  • Australian Curriculum

As these actions are completed, new actions will be identified.

The Strategy builds on past commitments in education policy including first ministers agreement to a range of education related closing the gap targets through the Council of Australian Governments, which require additional effort from all jurisdictions.

Through the Strategy, education ministers have also committed to having visible plans or approaches for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education which can be accessed by the public.

View the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy