HEPPP 2013 Nationally Significant Projects Addressing the Behrendt Review

In 2013, $18.1 million of HEPPP Partnerships funding was allocated to nine priority projects of national significance which meet HEPPP objectives and are directed to recommendations in the Review of Higher Education Access and Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.

On this page:

A table of projects can be found below.

Nationally significant projects addressing the Behrendt review 2013 – 2017

University Project name 2013 – 2017 Funding
Curtin University Performance Framework
This project will develop an equity and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performance framework for higher education.
University of Melbourne Indigenous Academic Enrichment Program
This project will create a mentoring and aspiration building experience for Indigenous students from 6 schools in disadvantaged regional Australia in Victoria and the Northern Territory. The project will provide an experience of university life that will broaden interests and raise aspirations, encourage academic learning and personal development and culminate in a camp in the middle of each academic year. The subject areas of mathematics, science and engineering are the particular focus of the project. The project includes a focus on the professional development of teachers working with Indigenous youth. Teachers will participate in the first topic of a Specialist Certificate in Education (Teaching Indigenous Students).
University of Melbourne Indigenous Engineers: Partners for Pathways
The project will build engineering pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at all levels in the engineering pipeline. It includes:
  • a national summit to develop strategies for promoting pathways into engineering;
  • a pilot of scholarships with a focus on engineering;
  • development of pathways for secondary students including residential experiences and engagement with teachers; and extended and diversified curricula models for students who have not obtained the results for direct entry.
University of Sydney National Centre for Cultural Competency
The Centre will provide focused leadership in academic, research and community engagement. The project builds culturally competent environments that make universities more appealing, inclusive to and representative of students from all backgrounds, particularly students from low SES backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
University of Canberra Aurora
This project will develop Academic Enrichment Camps for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to:
  • develop academic skills of Indigenous school students;
  • build aspiration to go to university;
  • build peer networks;
  • provide mentoring and pathway support.
University of Sydney Breadwinners
The project aims to increase the qualifications of existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, who often face additional financial barriers to university study as they are the family breadwinner.  In NSW, the target pool for the programme is 1,616 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people currently employed in public administration and safety. While this cohort may have limited formal education or a poor history of performance at school, their life experience and other competencies would likely predict success at tertiary studies. The program has four components: innovative financing; identification of quality (capable) students; cohort monitoring and support and an employer-student-University partnership arrangement.
Queensland University of Technology Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education Social Marketing Strategy
This project will develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander media based outreach package that includes:
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Role Models
  • Promotion of the benefits of University
  • Relatable stories
  • Information for potential students, parents and communities
  • Encourages identification
  • Advertises the higher education portal.

The project encourages potential students through aspiration building and information dissemination. It would be available to all schools, to Universities to use in outreach activities as well as media on websites (including the higher education portal).

Queensland University of Technology Higher Education Portal

This project created a dedicated website focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Education, to provide:

  • Centralised information for students, parents, communities and universities
  • Media dissemination
  • Aspiration building material
  • Cohorting/networking facilities
  • Enabling collaboration between universities

The website was available from 2016 to 2019 as the Think Your Way Portal. In September 2019 the website was superseded by the Department of Education’s Course Seeker portal, as well as ongoing initiatives by the Department of Education, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Indigenous Australians Agency.   

Curtin University;
University of South Australia;
University of Wollongong
Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
The Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience Indigenous Corporation (AIME) currently operates in nine universities across Australia’s east coast. This funding will enable AIME to move forward with operations and growth into Western Australia and South Australia.
  TOTAL $18,128,041