The Australian Government is acting on the five priority actions outlined in the Accord Interim Report (released in July 2023) to address the fundamental challenges currently facing the Australian higher education system.
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The Accord Interim Report contained five recommendations for priority action that the Panel believes are important early measures to bolster the accessibility, fairness, stability and integrity of the higher education system.
Minister Clare announced the Government’s support for the five priority actions, see the Minister for Education’s Media Centre.
Priority Action 1
Create additional Regional University Centres (renamed Regional University Study Hubs) and expand the model to outer metropolitan and peri-urban locations by establishing Tertiary Study Hubs (Suburban University Study Hubs). The Panel believes this will reduce barriers to participation for students living in regional, remote and outer metropolitan and peri urban areas where accessing a physical campus can be difficult.
The Government has announced support for this action.
Read further details on Regional University Study Hubs
Read further details on Suburban University Study Hubs
Priority Action 2
Cease the 50% pass rule and require increased intervention, support and reporting on student progress. This removes a measure that disproportionately prevents students from under-represented groups from continuing their studies.
The Australian Government is committed to helping higher education students succeed in their studies and has established the Support for Students policy, which is currently being implemented.
Read further details on Support for students policy requirements
Priority Action 3
Extend demand driven funding to metropolitan First Nations students, meaning all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Australia will be guaranteed a Commonwealth supported place at a Table A university of their choice (for bachelor level courses other than medicine), when accepted into their chosen course of study. The Panel believes it is essential to remove constraints on Indigenous participation in higher education.
The Government has announced support for this action, which is now enacted as part of the Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Act 2023.
Read further details on demand driven funding for First Nations’ students
Priority Action 4
Extend the Higher Education Continuity Guarantee into 2024 and 2025. Extending this support provides universities with security of funding while the Panel reviews Job-ready Graduates settings. Any universities not enrolled up to their approved funding level will be required to allocate funding to support equity outcomes for underrepresented groups.
The Government has announced support for this action and is currently engaging with providers on implementation details.
Priority Action 5
Work with State and Territory governments and universities to improve university governance. This measure will help improve the capacity of universities to strengthen responses to issues including industrial relations compliance, workforce management and student safety.
The Government has announced support for this action.
Education Ministers considered the Draft Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education on 21 November 2023. On 23 February 2024, following a public consultation process, Education Ministers agreed to the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education.
On 23 January 2025, the Government formally announced the membership of the Expert Council on University Governance.