A Concepts of Operations infographic has been developed to visually represent how the new system will function within the complex ecosystem of education funding arrangements.
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Education funding arrangements across both the schools and higher education sectors, are incredibly complex. As such, a funding solution that addresses issues and resolves pain points for departmental staff as well as providers and other users, requires a complex and comprehensive architectural outcome.
Given this complex education funding ecosystem, significant work has been undertaken to meticulously map and model how the EFS will operate in an ideal state, across all the existing funding arrangement layers.
This Concept of Operations has been designed to visually represent each of the elements of the new system, in an easily understandable and digestible way, where all users and their interactions are represented, in one diagram.
The Concept of Operations describes the characteristics and benefits of the EFS from the viewpoint of the individuals who will use the system, while depicting the breakdown of the system’s logical components, and mapping stakeholders to the system elements that are relevant to them.
Put simply, the Concept of Operations identifies the core aspects of the EFS and how both internal departmental and external users will interact with each other and the system.
View the full scale PDF version of the EFS Concept of Operations by navigating to the Resources section in your side navigation menu, or from the download link below.
EFS concept of operations infographic
The Concept of Operations identifies the core aspects of the EFS and how users will interact with each other and the system.