Research Support Program

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The Research Support Program (RSP) provides funding to HEPs to support the systemic costs of research such as libraries, laboratories, consumables, computing centres and the salaries of support and technical staff, as well as research costs not supported directly through Australian competitive grants and other sources.

The objectives of the RSP are to:

  • provide a flexible funding stream to support the systemic costs of research by Australian HEPs, including the indirect costs of Australian competitive grant research
  • support the delivery of world class research
  • support collaboration between HEPs and industry and other research end-users.

From 1 January 2017, the RSP replaced the Research Infrastructure Block Grants (RIBGs), Joint Research Engagement (JRE), and Sustainable Research Excellence (SRE).

Guidelines, conditions and calculations

Australian Government funding is provided through annual block grants to eligible Australian HEPs in accordance with item 7 of the table in section 41-10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and the Other Grants Guidelines (Research) 2017.

2025 RSP grant amounts to eligible HEPs are based on a formula that reflects the research performance of each HEP.

A detailed guide to calculating RSP grant amounts is available.


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