Three new members have been appointed to the National Research Infrastructure Advisory Group.
Emeritus Professor Caroline McMillen AO, Ms Sue Macleman and Distinguished Professor Brian Schmidt AC have been appointed until December 2025.
Existing members Emeritus Professor Joe Shapter, Distinguished Professor Calum Drummond AO, Ms Suzanne Toumbourou, Professor Stephen van Leeuwen and Professor Mark Western have also been reappointed until the end of the year. Professor Liz Sonenberg continues as Chair.
The National Research Infrastructure Advisory Group was established to provide the Australian Government with independent and long-term strategic advice on national research infrastructure (NRI).
NRI refers to the equipment, facilities, services, and expertise needed to support researchers in their development of leading‑edge research and innovation. The department’s $4 billion National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) makes this accessible to publicly and privately funded users across Australia and internationally.
Every five years, the government renews its approach to NRI through a roadmap to ensure infrastructure remains responsive to Australia’s needs, and competitive on an international scale. The establishment of the NRI Advisory Group was a key recommendation of the 2021 NRI Roadmap.
A major focus for the NRI Advisory Group this year will be the development of the 2026 NRI Roadmap, which will be based on extensive consultation with the research sector, engagement with experts and stakeholders across government and industry, and informed by international trends.
As a first step in the Roadmap process, the department released a survey aimed at identifying emerging trends and needs in research infrastructure over the next 5-10 years.
To find out more, visit National Research Infrastructure.