Artificial Intelligence (AI) Transparency Statement

This page is to house a newly required AI transparency statement that all government NCCEs are obliged to display, which details how they use AI within their department, explains its governance mechanisms and lists other important AI-related information for the public to be able to view.

On this page:

Why and how does the department use Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Currently, the primary use of AI within the department is through the Microsoft Copilot tool that is available in Microsoft digital products. What this means in practice is:

ProductivityInformation Analytics and InsightPolicy and Legal
  • Sorting high volumes of stakeholder communication around programs
  • Improving search and sorting processes related to file management
  • Notetaking and summary of meetings
  • Assisting helpdesk roles to sort through large amounts of case information
  • Organising large volumes of held information related to educational institutions
  • Using AI to review information around policies relevant to the department's core focuses
  • Using AI to assist with legal review where large amounts of case materials exist

The department also uses some standalone AI and Machine Learning tools for data analytics and insight.

What we won’t use AI for

The department currently does not allow AI for:

  • fully automated output processes
  • interactions with the public (e.g. chatbots) or,
  • in conjunction with other, existing automated decision making (ADM) programs.

This means that AI outputs will be reviewed by a staff member with the experience to know if outputs are appropriate (i.e. human-in-the-loop), the public will not interact with a chatbot or similar agent when contacting us, and automated decision making will not be combined with ADM programs which are already understood as potentially higher risk to the public due to large scale or high volume of output.

Compliance with relevant laws and regulations

The Department’s use of AI is in line with all relevant pieces of legislation and regulation that govern the information that it manages and appropriates uses of that information.

This includes:

We ensure this compliance through the governance arrangements that we have put in place detailed in this statement.

Governance, management, and transparency

The department is implementing a robust AI governance regime to ensure AI serves its and the government strategic objectives. It has done this by:

  • appointing accountable officers who will monitor AI developments and ensure compliance with department internal and whole of government AI policies, including the department’s internal guidelines on generative AI and the Australian government’s Policy for responsible use of AI in government
  • creating appropriate review structures for the approval of new uses of AI through the department’s Audit and Risk committee and ensuring that the use of AI within the department is effective, measurable, and sustained and complies with all relevant government cybersecurity standards.
  • moving to align AI and data governance to ensure that the way collected data is used by AI tools does not differ from stated collection purposes and legislative authority.

Appointed Accountable Officers

The department has appointed two Accountable Officers for the use of AI:

Kerryn Kovacevic, Chief Information Officer

Hamish McDonald, First Assistant Secretary, Strategy, Data and Measurement

IT Partner

The department also maintains clear communication with its IT partner provider, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to ensure that AI governance and approaches are aligned.

Periodic Review

The department will periodically review AI accountability and transparency measures, including the above governance arrangements and this transparency statement, to ensure that the department remains compliant with all requirements for the Policy for responsible use of AI in government.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the department’s use of AI, please contact

This statement was last updated 28/02/2025.